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Near Miss of the Day 795: Close pass driver tells cyclist: “ I found it difficult to get past”

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's south west London...

A driver who made a punishment pass on a cyclist in south west London told the rider that they “found it difficult to get past“ and suggested that he “could have moved over a little bit.“

Tim, the reader who sent in the footage of the incident on Lower Richmond Road in Putney, told us: “I was cycling to work, doing about 15-20 in a 20mph limit, but apparently this was too slow for a BMW driver behind me, who went for a punishment pass at 00:25 in the footage.

“The ensuing conversation once the driver had stopped at the next set of lights, at 01:10 in the footage, includes, ‘Yeah I know. You were right in the middle of the road and I found it difficult to get past. Your wheels are only that big and you could have moved over a little bit’.”

Tim continued: “Just the sort of twats we have to deal with on a daily basis. Nearly knocked me over, all for the sake of getting to the next set of red traffic lights. Bizarre ...”

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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robike | 2 years ago

It's such a pain for drivers when there's a vehicle in front, cycles being the biggest pain.

They need to start their journey a bit earlier.

... then he could have been in the place of the red car in that queue.

STiG911 | 2 years ago

Right, nevermind that it's a 20 limit and the cyclist is either near or at that speed, you just barrel past, you absolute toolbag.

Steve K replied to STiG911 | 2 years ago

STiG911 wrote:

Right, nevermind that it's a 20 limit and the cyclist is either near or at that speed, you just barrel past, you absolute toolbag.

No-one follows the 20mph speed limit, though...

I was driving at the weekend at 20mph in the 20mph limit and was overtaken.  I caught up with her at the next set of traffic lights.  Had I not had the family with me, I would have said something.  As it was, I satisfied myself by pulling away from the lights faster than her and getting in front again.  Sadly, I had to turn into my road less than 100 yards further up the road, but nonetheless it was satisfying (and, yes, childish).

Capercaillie replied to Steve K | 2 years ago

Our village had a 20 mph limit introduced fairly recently, following a long campaign from the parish Council and a supportive Lib-Dem distict Councillor. It had seemed to have local support, but I know most of the locals, aren't keeping to the limit. The only reason I don't get overtaken while driving is because the road is too narrow. It feels like I've taken on the role of village speed enforcer!

stonojnr replied to Capercaillie | 2 years ago
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alot of drivers just ignore it as a limit, as nothing ever happens to them if they exceed it. I don't think the politicians who advocate it as a default limit option for urban roads, really appreciate the scale of that problem.

ktache replied to stonojnr | 2 years ago

"Something" has been done, if a pedestrian is injured or killed, especially a child then the driver can be prosecuted, and it might bring down an average speed of 35-40mph to 25-30mph, which would be a more survivable impact for the unprotected human form.

Imposing a 20mph limit is actually slightly better than doing nothing.

stonojnr replied to ktache | 2 years ago

It's just window dressing if there's never any effective enforcement behind it.

wycombewheeler replied to stonojnr | 2 years ago

stonojnr wrote:

alot of drivers just ignore it as a limit, as nothing ever happens to them if they exceed it. I don't think the politicians who advocate it as a default limit option for urban roads, really appreciate the scale of that problem.

true, but if a 20mph limit means 20% doing 20 and 80% doing 30, it's still better than a 30mph limt with 80% doing 30 and 20% doing 40.

chrisonabike replied to wycombewheeler | 2 years ago

It's better than that most likely because of course in a 30mph limit the average will be over 30...

Anyway - can't we have both a lower default and some more enforcement? Oh, wait - new "tax cutting" party leaders, right.

ShutTheFrontDawes replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

A decent enforcement method is a car in front doing the speed limit. I do 20 in a 20 limit very consistently (I do sometimes speed by accident but correct myself when I realise). Some people get quite irate getting 'stuck' behind me. But screw 'em!

chrisonabike replied to ShutTheFrontDawes | 2 years ago

Agreed - it likely needs a certain proportion of drivers to do this for effectiveness though.  It will also attract the usual comments of "slow drivers are causing accidents - because the idiots others are forced into dangerous overtakes".  This is of course ridiculous but as cyclists will know definitely a thing.

OldRidgeback | 2 years ago

Anyone who drives along there regularly should know that they'll be jammed up against a crocodile of cars at the next set of lights. All the cyclists they've just overtaken will then trundle past. If anything, this shows how so many drivers could benefit from cycling regularly to help improve their driving.

And of course, it just had to be a BMW.

Bucks Cycle Cammer | 2 years ago
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wtjs replied to Bucks Cycle Cammer | 2 years ago


Presumably not- given the stupid 'music'

Just the sort of twats we have to deal with on a daily basis

It's a BMW and there's a lot of oncoming traffic. Such people are subnormal, so there's no point in disputing with them. They would just say 'I gave you 1.5m' plus various expletives and threaten to '[expletive deleted] flatten' you but would be unable to define the boundaries of the 1.5m he's lying about.

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