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‘Group rides that break rules reflect badly on cycling’ says Cycling Ulster as it tries to manage different guidelines either side of the border

Reports of cyclists training in groups in defiance of Covid19 regulations earlier in the month

Cycling Ulster has warned its members that flouting lockdown restrictions with group rides reflects badly on cycling as a whole. However, the governing body for cycling in the province is dealing with an additional challenge during the coronavirus outbreak, as it has to deal with different rules either side of the border.

Cycling Ulster has responsibility for cycling in counties in both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

In the Republic cyclists are only permitted to ride within 5km of home. In Northern Ireland, there are no restrictions on how far cyclists can go, but while groups of up to six people who do not share a household can meet up outdoors, Cycling UK has said it is, “unclear whether six cyclists riding two metres apart would be breaching the regulations.”

Earlier this month, Cycling Ulster urged cyclists to stick to the rules after a number of reports of riders training in groups.

Sticky Bottle reports that it has since informed its clubs and members that following an easing of lockdown restrictions, groups of up to four people from different households can meet outdoors while maintaining social distancing.

In a statement yesterday, it reminded cyclists to stick to the current restrictions over the weekend.

“As per phase 1 of the Cycling Ireland Roadmap, members are currently permitted to cycle as an individual, with a member of your own household or in a maximum of a group of four if social distancing can be safely maintained.

“Residents of Cavan, Donegal and Monaghan are also limited to a 5km radius of their home. To ensure a planned activity can meet the guidelines, Cycling Ulster advise due consideration is given to social distancing (min 2 metres) being able to be maintained within a group of up to four riders.”

It added: “Any breaking of these regulations reflects badly on the members, clubs, and wider cycling community and could also impact on society’s attempt to combat the spread of Covid-19 and lead to restrictions being in place for longer.”

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Mungecrundle | 4 years ago

I'm not responsible for the actions of others, and, not being a member of the Constabulary, I have very little control over the actions of others even if I wanted to.

Hell, most days I'm not even responsible for my own actions. Especially when left unsupervised.

But I get where they are coming from. The actions of a few can and do create problems the solutions to which quite often affect those who were doing nothing wrong. It isn't just cyclists who get the shitty end of the stick when the inconsiderate minority who plague every activity undertaken by humans spoil it for the majority.

Example: I'd be perfectly capable of taking a sharp kitchen knife and a bottle of wine to a picnic in the local park and almost certainly not end up drunk and stabbing people. However, this harmless middle class activity (especially if olives and French bread are also involved) would bring me into conflict with public space protection orders put in place because a few scrotes caused a persistent nuisance.

Obviously the answer is to either retrain, incarcerate or destroy the scrotes, but apparently it is easier to simply ban everyone and still have to deal with the scrotes who can be, though rarely, charged with actual offences, let off by the courts and generally carry on regardless.

Gus T | 4 years ago

Can anyone explain to me why cyclists are more culpable than the gangs of youths who are piling into one car and racing around the countryside?


the little onion | 4 years ago

Drivers who go to Barnard Castle to test their eye sight reflect badly on all drivers



I’m not having this group culpability nonsense. Cycling ulster can do one. That argument only harms cycling

Sriracha replied to the little onion | 4 years ago

A little ironic.

the little onion replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago
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Deliberately ironic. It’s amazing what happens when you swap the word “driver” for “cyclist”


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