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"We introduced him to rugby": Police boast of tackling cyclist who jumped red light; Tour de France stage 13: Bastille Day summit finish; Reaction to e-bike ban on popular path; Got a TT bike Uganda can use at World Champs? + more on the live blog

It's Friday and we've got a Bastille Day summit finish at the Tour de France, what a way to end the week! No bias here at the Thibaut Pinot fan club, sorry I mean Dan Alexander's live blog...may the best 33-year-old Frenchman riding for FDJ win.....
14 July 2023, 07:58
"We introduced him to rugby": Police boast of tackling cyclist who jumped red light

Let's start Friday with this tweet from Greater Manchester Police shall we?

I did have to double check we hadn't fallen for one of those parody police accounts, the most famous of which is named after Hot Fuzz's Sandford 'crime-fighting' station, but nope, it's the real deal.

The post has sparked a few questions, namely how proportionate the response was? How do you safely rugby tackle a cyclist? Would the police accept risking serious injury to another road user to stop them after running a red light? Unfortunately we don't have any footage so much of our impression of the incident is shaped by the police's tone of the portrayal.

Rather predictably the comments are split between people with flags in their Twitter bio commending the officers on their work, and cyclists asking if the response was proportionate to the crime given... well, the sheer extent of similar (and more dangerous) road offences you'll see if you go for even just a 10-minute spin around town.

> Police in Hackney catch 18 red light jumping cyclists in 90 minutes

One reply from EricEatsPickles said it "sounds like a totally disproportionate response. Even drivers who kill & maim don't get rugby tackled to the ground. Most drivers who ignore signals are themselves ignored. The few who 'get caught' receive a NIP in the post, not physically assaulted."

Another account added: "I mean yeah definitely don't ride like this, but would be nice if they spent a bit of time focusing on the greatest threat of harm on the roads - idiots behind the wheel of what's essentially dangerous machinery. Meanwhile, third-party reporting is failing."

However, one account called LetMeCycle said: "They ride among us. We can't expect drivers to follow the rules in the Highway Code, if we (cyclists) don't follow them too. Don't ride like a dick."

The tweet from Manchester's police comes just days after we reported cyclists in the city had called for proper segregation as brazen vandals stole an entire bike lane's cones... again. OneTrafford confirmed the "systematic theft" and said it had been reported to the police who they would be working with in the future to tackle the problem. 

14 July 2023, 15:16
Michał Kwiatkowski wins stage 13 of the Tour de France, Tadej Pogačar cuts Jonas Vingegaard's advantage

A superb win for Michał Kwiatkowski who left his breakaway companions behind midway up the Grand Colombier and never looked threatened, grinding out a memorable stage victory.

Despite UAE Team Emirates' full-day effort to control the race, ratcheting up the pace on the mountain in the hope of giving their man a shot at stage victory and bonus seconds, two members of the break stayed away, Maxim Van Gils taking second behind Kwiatkowski.

Showing incredible consideration for the TV director, Tadej Pogačar's inevitable attack came almost immediately after the stage-winning Pole had crossed the finish line. At first Jonas Vingegaard was able to follow, wrenching his bike into his great rival's slipstream as the pair passed Brit James Shaw, clinging on from the breakaway, at a quite extraordinary speed.

However, with the finish line coming into sight, the distance between the Dane and Pogačar increased, a half metre, a full metre, two bike lengths, and so on. Pogačar took the last of the bonus seconds available, four more to his tally, and had opened up a gap of four seconds on Vingegaard by the finish.

The GC picture has somehow managed to get even tighter, the two-time winner now just nine seconds behind the man who dethroned him last time...

14 July 2023, 14:19
It's almost time...

As I look out my window at the rain-soaked grey streets, and then back at the TV to Bastille Day France in glorious July sunshine... oh what I'd do to be on the slopes of the Grand Colombier, beverage in hand and awaiting the peloton shortly. Here's what's coming up...

As a side note, Caleb Ewan has abandoned the race. Dropped on the first climb of the day the TV pictures showed him crossing the intermediate sprint seven minutes down on the peloton. He has however since jumped in the team car and will play no further part.

Get your stage win predictions in the comments... UAE have been working hard to set up Pogačar, but the breakaway, including Alberto Bettiol, Michal Kwiatkoswki, James Shaw, Georg Zimmermann, Harold Tejada, Maxim Van Gils and some other heavier talent will have a four-minute headstart on the GC guys. Will it be enough?

14 July 2023, 13:40
Reaction to rugby-loving cops forcefully halting cyclist's getaway after jumping red light

Right, let's do reaction to the big story of the day's live blogging... this could take a while...

Mungecrundle: "Might seem disproportionate for a RLJ offence, but failing to stop is going to ping any law enforcement officer's spidey senses. Concealed weapon? Carrying illegal substances? Outstanding warrant? If nothing else, when keyboard warriors go on about cyclists being above the law, Police never tackle RLJ cyclists etc, then you can point them at this story."

 Oldfatgit (their selected name, not ours...): "There's some really false equivalence in the highlighted posts above ... How exactly would an officer rugby tackle a car?
As far as I know UK Police have uses their vehicles in the past as physical stops on other vehicles, including rolling road blocks and physical impact.

"Rugby tackling a red light running driver ... if the driver decides to leg it on foot, then yes, the police do use force to apprehend where appropriate. If they leg it in the car, see above. The cyclist jumped two red lights, and failed to stop ... as far as I'm concerned the police did what they had to do and no more excessively than if it was a driver. And for those thinking that the police were excesive... how would *you* stop a cyclist that does not wish to be stopped?"

Tom_77: "F*** around and find out, as the kids say. They've tried to stop him three times and he refused, at that point I don't think it's unreasonable to use force."

HoldingOn: "Agreed - 'don't ride like a dick', but also - don't Twitter like a dick and don't police like a dick." 

14 July 2023, 13:34
Five years ago today...

Poor Chris can't catch a break at the minute. While his boss mouths off about him not being worth his salary it's also been pointed out it's the five-year anniversary of this moment that will go down in Tour de France folklore...

P.S. If I was getting paid a reported €5 million a year editor Jack could say whatever he wants about me... if your reading this, Jack, it's worth thinking about...

14 July 2023, 13:03
Big news... UCI bans transgender female cyclists who have transitioned after puberty from competing in international women's races
14 July 2023, 09:43
Your thoughts on the LEAKED new Sepcialized road bike
2023 Specialized spotted

> New Specialized road bike leaked with unique oversized head tube — is this the new Tarmac SL8 or a revamped Roubaix?

Plenty of comments over on Facebook...

Andrew Hill called it "change for change sake", Andy Ruane and Matt Cartwright are happy with their SL7 and SL6s respectively.

Specialized comment

Properly chuckled at that one. Bike industry marketing departments making aero gain/stiffness/watt-saving claims? Never...

Randy DeVoe predicts it will "provide 31 per cent more vertical compliance while quadratic doubling of lateral stiffness therefore eliminating vector forces and road static v ratio vibration by 79 per cent."

14 July 2023, 09:33
10 ways to make the Tour de France even better — no weight limits, eliminations stages, tandems + more
14 July 2023, 09:19
Got a TT bike Uganda can use at World Champs?
14 July 2023, 09:06
Reaction to council's e-bike ban on popular path

Well, as expected, this got a fair bit of attention. Simon is local and has spent many an hour riding bikes (including that glorious pink Colnago) along the Thames. 

His thoughts are that having "spent far too much time at the spot I took this picture from it's a lovely place, but in early evenings, or at weekends, it is way busier with people outside the pubs than it looks here. People who ride this route regularly will either detour, or go through slowly.

"But, some who don't know the area, often on hire e-bikes, won't know ways round bottlenecks, will often just try and plough through (eg tourists not used to riding bikes in shared space). There are a few pinch points on river in H&F, can understand council has to manage.

"I can understand why they have put restrictions in, at least it's not a blanket ban. And alternative safe/quiet routes just off river do exist, see Jon Stone's London Cycle Routes vids, avoids Thames Path like the plague Putney-Hammersmith then pops up to C9.

"If there is ANYTHING on wheels needs to be banned on this stretch though, it's the nutter bloke on inline skates who'd barrel through like he was practising for Winter Olympics short track, screaming at everyone to get out of his way."

RipThorn: "So I can ride with my mates on our pedal bikes but the one guy who needs an e-bike would have to walk? I understand the reasoning behind this, but it's not right. They should just ban illegal e-bikes."

14 July 2023, 08:32
Tour de France stage 13: Bastille Day summit finish at Grand Colombier
TdF 2023 S13 profile.jpeg

Over to Simon once again for today's preview: 

With Bastille Day falling on a Friday, the roadsides will be lined with revellers kicking off their long weekend in party mode and hoping to see a home win on the Fête Nationale for the first time since Warren Barguil triumphed in Foix in 2017 – and certainly, there will be no shortage of French riders trying to get into the break during a long, flat opening to the stage which ends in the Jura mountains.

TdF 2023 S13 map.jpeg

The intermediate sprint comes during a long but uncategorised climb, followed by a descent before the road flattens out ahead of the final ascent, which begins with 17.4km left and averages 7.1 per cent. The Tour first tackled the Grand Colombier in 2012, with the first summit finish in 2020 when Tadej Pogačar prevailed – although today’s tough ascent will be from a different direction.

TdF 2023 S13 final climb.jpeg

For all the stages and to take an early look at the third week, have a read of Simon's mega Tour preview...

> Tour de France 2023: From Bilbao to Paris, our stage-by-stage guide to cycling's biggest race

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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HoldingOn | 11 months ago

Not sure how many red lights he went through...

Motorcyclist knocked off by police

Hirsute | 11 months ago

Approved by Sustrans
(Public footpath sign somewhere in there !)

HoarseMann replied to Hirsute | 11 months ago

Makes a change from barbed wire, 'beware of the dog', 'bull in field' and 'private keep out!' signs.

I do wish landowners could be fined more easily for failing to maintain the highways over their land.

dolphy | 11 months ago

And another thing. All these liberal lefties would have you reading books if they had their way. Don't fall into their trap

Hirsute | 11 months ago
chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 11 months ago

Looks like Johnny 5 is trying to bluff his way into the golf club again!

brooksby | 11 months ago

I posted this on the appropriate news article but I'll put it here too:

"North Somerset council are holding a public meeting about the Clevedon seafront debacle scheme at 7pm on Thursday July 20th, at Clevedon Community Centre, Princes Road.

The Leader of NS Council will be there, as will their "executive member with responsibility for active travel".

Bring popcorn!"

nniff | 11 months ago
1 like

@Dan Alexander

"P.S. If I was getting paid a reported €5 million a year editor Jack could say whatever he wants about me... if your reading this, Jack, it's worth thinking about..."

with spelling and grammar like that, you have a point  3

brooksby | 11 months ago
1 like

You know how the Govt talks about how money is spent on active travel...?


Plans to construct a road tunnel near Stonehenge have been approved.

The Department for Transport approved the £1.7bn two-mile (3.2km) tunnel from Amesbury to Berwick Down in Wiltshire on Friday.

Planning permission was first given in 2020 but was later quashed by the High Court in 2021 after campaigns by locals.

Highways England said it wanted to build the tunnel to reduce traffic and cut journey times on the A303.

The scheme, which has been backed by Wiltshire Council involves overhauling eight miles the major road which goes from London to South West England.

chrisonabike replied to brooksby | 11 months ago
1 like

Putting the traffic underground - while an extremely expensive option - at least makes it nicer for everyone else not driving.

As for "reduced journey times" / "less congestion", time will tell.

But but it will increase wellbeing make us all richer boost the economy:


Wiltshire councillor Caroline Thomas, Cabinet Member for Transport]This huge infrastructure project represents a significant investment in Wiltshire that will boost the economy of both our county and the wider region, unlocking jobs and investment.

Of course it's clearly possible for more motoring to be a net cost to everyone* but still "unlock jobs and investment".  Bit like having a hole in the ground mine which is expensive to run but which - if we don't keep extending - we won't be able to to pay the bills to allow us to keep digging to cover the expenses...

* Apples and orangutans of course but various groups have done sums - a few figures here, Sustrans motoring vs. cycling here etc.

Mungecrundle | 11 months ago

Cyclist rugby tackled after failing to stop for the Police:

Might seem disproportionate for a RLJ offence, but failing to stop is going to ping any law enforcement officer's spidey senses. Concealed weapon? Carrying illegal substances? Outstanding warrant?

If nothing else, when keyboard warriors go on about cyclists being above the law, Police never tackle RLJ cyclists etc, then you can point them at this story.

grOg replied to Mungecrundle | 11 months ago
1 like

Police in some parts of the US use the PIT maneuvre.. 

Police PIT maneuver has killed at least 30 people since 2016.
23 Aug 2020 — So far this year, nine people have been killed nationwide in PIT maneuvers, including a 16-year-old who was driving a stolen car in Longmont.

bermondseylido | 11 months ago
1 like

You might have seen this already:

A Porsche SUV ran into a midweek Critical Mass ride on Wednesday night at Elephant and Castle.

brooksby replied to bermondseylido | 11 months ago

 I hope they got a number plate to report?

HoarseMann | 11 months ago

Looks like the red-light running cyclist was riding a brakeless fixie. Maybe a wanna be Terry B.

wtjs | 11 months ago

"We introduced him to rugby": Police boast of tackling cyclist who jumped red light

Meanwhile, Lancashire Constabulary ignore red light offences by Audis, Range Rovers, large vans, tipper lorries, large lorries etc. etc. Tough on offences by cyclists...tough on the cause of offences by cyclists (which is 'getting in the way of respectable car drivers by cluttering up the roads'). Despising the police is much underused!

jh2727 replied to wtjs | 11 months ago

wtjs wrote:

"We introduced him to rugby": Police boast of tackling cyclist who jumped red light

The actual tweet says "We introduced him to Rugby" - which is a bit out of the way for GMP.  Makes me wonder if they drove at him so hard, that the force of the impact propelled him to Warwickshire.

wycombewheeler | 11 months ago


Looking for a 24cm frame for a 1.48m tall female and 50-52cm frame for a 1.64m tall male

a 24cm frame? really? do such things exist. it seems to me that the lady is only 16cm shorter than the man, so there is no way her bike should be 26cm smaller. I wonder if they mean 42cm, even that sounds very small.

Oldfatgit | 11 months ago

*thankfully, can't access the comments on twatter due to not being a user*

There's some really false equivalence in the highlighted posts above ...

How exactly would an officer rugby tackle a car?
AFAIK, UK Police have uses their vehicles in the past as physical stops on other vehicles, including rolling road blocks and physical impact.

Rugby tackling a red light running driver ... if the driver decides to leg it on foot, then yes, the Police do use force to apprehend where appropriate. If they leg it in the car, see above.

The cyclist jumped 2 red lights, and failed to stop ... as far as I'm concerned the Police did what they had to do and no more excessively than if it was a driver.

And for those thinking that the Police were excessive... how would *you* stop a cyclist that does not wish to be stopped?

Hirsute replied to Oldfatgit | 11 months ago

Stinger !

chrisonabike replied to Oldfatgit | 11 months ago

Oldfatgit wrote:

... how would *you* stop a cyclist that does not wish to be stopped?

Safely use their vehicle to bring them to a halt.

bikes replied to Oldfatgit | 11 months ago

The tweet makes it look like they're rather proud of using physical force. What would their story be if they paralysed or killed the guy, would they say 'rugby tackle', or 'we grabbed him using the least amount of force possible and he lost his balance.'

Will the dashcam footage of his RLJ'ing be released? How would you feel if it showed the guy rolling through empty junctions at 1mph? Would a rugby tackle still be the police 'doing what they have to do'?

Oldfatgit replied to bikes | 11 months ago
1 like

What if ... what if ... what if.
But ... the what if didn't happen and if it did, I'm sure that the tweet would have been phrased somewhat differently.

How would I feel about the guy rolling through the reds at 1mph?
Exactly the same.
Red light means stop ... it doesn't mean feel free to carry on your journey just because you are on a bicycle.

AFAIK, the guy was brought down for the failure to obey a legal and authorised command, and not for the RLJ.
The RLJ was the trigger to the Officer to request the rider to stop, not for the rugby tackle.

And, to complete the loop ... if the guy hadn't have gone through the multiple red lights - even at 1 mph - he wouldn't have been challenged to stop, and wouldn't have ended up on the floor.

Which part of this incident was triggered by the guy riding his bike in a legal manner and obeying a legally issued command?

What ever colour your spectacles are, the guy on the bike - based on the story as presented - is wholly at fault for the incident, and I feel not one ounce of pity or sympathy for them.

bikes replied to Oldfatgit | 11 months ago
1 like

There's a guy in my town that dismounts at reds and runs alongside his bike while pushing it before hopping back on at the other side of the junction. It looks silly but presumably legal? I wonder if you straddle your bike's top tube and propel yourself by walking that would be illegal?

Oldfatgit replied to bikes | 11 months ago
1 like

If the guy demounts, and crosses the road *as a pedestrian pushing a bike*, then they have not technically committed an offence.

If you were to sit on the crossbar and scoot across the red, then technically you would be committing an offence as you are riding the bike. The frame of the bike would be taking the weight of your body, so you would be riding.

And before you go on to the "using a bike as a mobility aid" and going through a red ... well, that doesn't work either as a bike isn't legally recognised as a mobility aid.

There is no way that you can go through a red light unless you have fully de-mounted and are pushing the bike.

Stop making excuses for people riding like arseholes.

mattw replied to Oldfatgit | 11 months ago

Oldfatgit wrote:

If the guy demounts, and crosses the road *as a pedestrian pushing a bike*, then they have not technically committed an offence. 

And before you go on to the "using a bike as a mobility aid" and going through a red ... well, that doesn't work either as a bike isn't legally recognised as a mobility aid.

First point - not sure what "technically" is doing in there. They haven't committed an offence - unless as a pedestrian - full stop.

On your second point there is considerable ambiguity, though not (I agree) a precedent setting Court ruling of which I am aware.

I think basically that if someone using a bike as a mobility aid calls it a mobility aid, then it is one. I'm hoping for statute law to that effect as some point.

I've debated this with staff at disability organisations, and that seems to be the view.

Given that I am currently mobility impaired due to a condition which seriously slugs my energy levels being out of remission, I have wondered about taking my E-bike (which is a standard bike with an aftermarket E-assist) into Mansfield Town Centre to explore the issue; but I am not quite convinced enough.

There *are* actually some bikes that blur the lines between "Approved Mobility Aid", "EAPC" and "Wheelchair", especially afaics Mountain Trikes, which are quite remarkable bits of kit - and not especially cheap. For example this one is - I am told by someone who uses one - a registered mobility aid:

Also note that - amongst the crud - the Hammersmith and Fulham Thames Path PSPO recognises the concept of "anyone with restricted mobility who uses any electric powered vehicle as a mobility aid", which is broader than "registered".

It's a very useful grey zone.

Oldfatgit replied to mattw | 11 months ago

If you look through enough of my posts, you'll see that I am a mobility impaired ebike rider also.
A badly driven Mondeo put paid to my ability to walk unaided a little shy of 5 years ago [in fact August 10 is the 5th anniversary of being driven in to that ruined my walking ability for life]

I would hope that even calling an ebike a mobility aid if stopped for RLJ would not prevent a rider being penalised for the offense.
If a blue badge holder jumps the lights in their car, and are caught, they would be penalised, so it's only correct that a disabled road user of any mechanical transportation that is not classed as being a pedestrian, is also penalised.

As the miscreant in this report has not been identified as disabled, it's a reasonable assumption that they weren't, as such, disablement is a red herring in this case.

S13SFC | 11 months ago

I know cars go through reds, I know the scroates go through reds, usually pulling a 'kin wheelie but it grips my shit when grown men on bikes do it.

I live in a small(ish) middle England town.

I was riding through a couple of days ago on my way home and stopped at a pedestrian crossing that was on red. A bus was two cars in front at the stop line.

A middle-aged bloke on a vintage steely rolls straight past the traffic on the outside and through the red light. There was no way he could see if anyone was crossing from the left.

50m up the road is another red on a busy crossroads. Again, he rode straight through as I waited.

What made it worse is that there is a wide shared-use cycle lane on the right-hand side that is well-used by commuters/locals. I wasn't in it as I would have been turning left at the lights.

I was fucking fuming as it's shit like that that gives us all a bad name. I took off after him and as he turned onto a quiet road I caught up. I asked him why he did it "To stay alive" was his answer. 

I then informed him what an utter fucking dickhead he was, amongst other things.

Thankfully where I am it is very rare to see but it's actions like his that endanger us all.

I care not one shit if you agree with my actions or not but if we are happy to call out shit driving then we should do the same with shit riding.


Hirsute replied to S13SFC | 11 months ago

Agree apart from "gives us all a bad name ".
I'm not responsible for others cyclists actions any more than as a driver I am responsible for dangerous drivers.

S13SFC replied to Hirsute | 11 months ago

We may not like it but it's foolish to believe that we aren't collectively put in the same category just because we ride bikes.


Hirsute wrote:

Agree apart from "gives us all a bad name ". I'm not responsible for others cyclists actions any more than as a driver I am responsible for dangerous drivers.


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