The distance from Auld Reekie to its English counterpart, the Big Smoke is about 400 miles. Not a distance to be sniffed at, you might agree, and certainly not on a bike…in 37 hours. But that’s the epic challenge that awaits charity fund raisers who opt to tackle a bike ride between Edinburgh and London this summer in aid of Orchid, a charity that undertakes pioneering research and promotes awareness of male cancers.
If you want to take on the challenge, in addition to the £100 per person entry fee, you will need to be part of a team of two riders who raise at least £1800 for the cause.
As for the event itself, the concept is simple. You and your team mate must ride from London to Edinburgh in 37 hours, to highlight the fact that over 37,000 men are diagnosed with a male cancer every year.
The route is broken down into a series of 35 mile stages, or two hours cycling duration, with riders alternating one stage on, one stage off, including two or three night stages.
You will need stamina, mental determination as well as considerable fitness to maintain the pace and stay the course. The ride starts from Buckingham Palace on June 17 and ends at Holyrood Palace the next day, with everyone departing Edinburgh on June 19.
For more information visit the OrchidCycle website.
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I was really enjoying the article until I came to the price!
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We must be related!
But why worry if a few people do? It's just not a big deal....
Tempted to get him a sweary birthday cake like in The Thick Of It....
Didn't happen did it? They came into my shop a couple of years back and said it was "on the way", but never heard anything more.