You came, you saw, you tried to make out the pro riders' indecipherable scrawl, and for the most part you failed. Someone's got to win though. So, who was it signed by then? Well, it was signed by David Millar, Cameron Meyer, Christian Meier and Robbie Hunter. That's a foursome that not a single one of you put finger to keyboard to type in.
Two eagle-eyed readers managed to get three out of four though, bazzargh and ourtel, and we forewent the normal random number generator in favour of a simple coin toss. Tails it was, and tails was ourtel. So well done you! You get the jersey.
Commiserations to everyone else who entered, especially bazzargh - we'll bung you some random schwag as a consolation, only seems fair.
More schwag reet soon, stay tuned!
Remember when we went down to Southampton to have a go on the new Garmin Edge 800 and knock about on the Garmin-transitions bus? Well we also did a bit of hobnobbing and blagging while we were there, and the result is this Garmin-Transitions team top that's signed by four of of the riders. And you can have it! Well, one of you, anyway.
Made out of finest polyester by the chaps at Pearl Izumi, the GT top is one of our pro peloton faves, and not just because they're argyle-heads just like us. Actually, that is the reason. Anyway, the top is a size Large should you actually want to wear it. And it's signed by... well, that's where you come in.
Here's a big heading to draw your attention to the entry instructions, which are explained below but seem to be getting ignored.
To be in with a chance of winning the jersey, just tell us which four riders you think signed the jersey. You can click on the image to get a better look at it; The Garmin Transitions roster is here, and this pic on our Flickr photostream might give you some clues too. We'll tally up your answers with the correct ones and draw a winner from the peeps that got the most right. Good luck!
We'll be doing the draw at tiffin time next Thursday (11 November), usual schwag grab rules apply, only one comment per reader please!
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Christian Vande Velde
Dan Martin
David Millar
Ryder Hesjedal
Dan Martin
Martijn Maaskant
Dan Martin
Cameron Meyer
Christian Meier
i think
my guess:
Tyler Farrar
Dan Martin
David Miller
Christian Vandevelde
The four riders are: -
(1) Cameron Meyer
(2) Dan Martin
(3) Travis Meyer
(4) Robbie Hunter
Dan Martin
David Millar
Christian VandeVelde
Ryder Hesjedal
Crossing my fingers...
Just for being sheerly out there:
1) Dan Martin
2) Robbie Hunter
3) Dave Z
4) Christian Vande Velde
I hope I'm not being a sore loser(!) but surely both Vande Velde and Zabriskie's signatures are on there? Compare main image with their signatures on the Argyle Club page ?

Glad I'm not the only one going mad...
Tyler Farrar
Dan Martin
David Miller
Christian Vandevelde
Tyler Farrar
Dan Martin
David Miller
Christian Vandevelde
Dan Martin
Christian Meyer
Robbie Hunter
Martijn Maaskant
??? Hmmmm
Using my superior hand-writing analysis technique, with painstaking care I've been able to deduce that the signatures, clockwise from top left, belong to:
Cl Frlff
Do Nhh
Rg Ofll
and Frz Murncl
Dan Martin
Cameron Meyer
Christian Meier
Fredrik Kessiakoff
Christian Vande Velde
David Millar
Ryder Hesjedal
Martijn Maaskant
Christian Vande Velde
David Millar
Ryder Hesjedal
Martijn Maaskant
now pass me my jersey ,,,,,please
I'll go for:
Cameron Meyer
Daniel Martin
Robbie Hunter
Martijn Maaskant
ain't got a clue; nice shirt though!
Who says Dave Miller ?? My God, do you people know anything about cycling ??
Dan Martin
Cameron Meyer
Robbie Hunter
Travis Meier (or is it Christian)
Fredrik Kessiakoff
Dan Martin
Ryder Hesjedal
Christian Vande Velde
My guess:
David Millar, Dan Martin, Ryder Hesjedal, Christian Vande Velde,
Dan Martin
Cameron Meyer
Martijn Maaskant
Ryder Hesjedal
Christian Meier
Cameron Meyer
Travis Meyer
Dan Martin
Christian Vande Velde
David Millar
Ryder Hesjedal
Martijn Maaskant
Martijn Maaskant
Tyle Farrar
David Millar
Cameron Meyer
For what it is worth
Christian Vande Velde
David Millar
Dan Martin
Martijn Maaskant
Christian Vande Velde
Dan Martin
David Millar
Ryder Hesjedal