Jack has been writing about cycling and multisport for over a decade, arriving at road.cc via 220 Triathlon Magazine in 2017. He worked across all areas of the website including tech, news and video, and also contributed to eBikeTips before being named Editor of road.cc in 2021 (much to his surprise). Jack has been hooked on cycling since his student days, and currently has a Trek 1.2 for winter riding, a beloved Bickerton folding bike for getting around town and an extra beloved custom Ridley Helium SLX for fantasising about going fast in his stable. Jack has never won a bike race, but does have a master's degree in print journalism and two Guinness World Records for pogo sticking (it's a long story).
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Froome is reported still on crutches, yet he's doing an exhibition race next month
Pray he avoids crashes and stays on the bike ...
I have no idea how he recovered from that horror crash so quickly.
Presumably with a specially adapted bike so that he can pedal with the crutches? This I've got to see.
> and are very aggressive in their behaviour.
There is something inherently agressive about travelling around in a 1-2 ton steel box, which may even deserve to be stratched, not that I do.
Forget the pedal (in Trafalgar Square). Look at those metallic sneakers.
No, there isn't.
1. Quite enjoying that Strava has assessed the relative effort of (Transcontinental winner and PBP finisher) Fiona's recent 100 miler as "massive".
2. Cycle lane parking - the key wording in what appear to be the relevant 2016 regulations is that a solid white line marking a cycle lane "conveys the requirement that a vehicle, other than a pedal cycle, must not be driven, or ridden, in the cycle lane during the cycle lane’s hours of operation (which may be all the time)".
Surely in most cases, someone who has parked in a mandatory cycle lane has also driven in it (though admittedly not necessarily during its hours of operation). If driving in it is illegal, you don't necessarily also need to specify that parking in it is. Having said that, if previous rules expressly outlawed both parking and driving in a cycle lane, I appreciate this inconsistency is not helpful.
Froome racing/riding in October = that's a hell of a recovery!
Yeah, you couldn't make it up...
"Cycling UK highlight that beneath this, new rules were quietly brought in recently that allows parking in cycle lanes marked with solid white lines. "
Do you mean the law was changed? If so under what SI was this done?
Seems very strange to put up an article without a link to fundamental legislation.
This back from Cycling UK: "The change came in the TSRGD update for 2016 (traffic signs regulations and general directions).
"Essentially mandatory cycle lanes made before the update are illegal to drive and park in. Mandatory cycle lanes made after the update you're allowed to park in - unless there's a double yellow line. To look at them there's no difference though."
So you can legally park in a cycle lane built after the 2016 update, but not if it was built before 2016; however there is no way of knowing really, which is indeed bizarre. Cycling UK Policy Director Roger Geffen also said this: "It's an absolute mess, as we've now two different types of mandatory cycle lanes that look identical but legally are very different. Cycling UK is keen to re-engage with the DfT to resolve this issue as a matter of urgency."
Not really clear which SI is referred to
I got as far as https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploa...
11.1.3. Cycle lanes may be mandatory, where other vehicles are excluded for at least part of
the day, or advisory, where other vehicles may enter if necessary and when it is safe to do so.
11.5.1. As with mandatory with‑flow lanes, a mandatory contraflow cycle lane is bounded by a
continuous white line to diagram 1049B and all other traffic is prohibited from entering that part
of the carriageway.
So I'm none the wiser as to what Cycling UK refer to.
Allowing parking in a traffic lane, what bright spark thought that was a good idea? Maybe they can stick a few bike racks in the middle of the high street just to share the inconvenience around. It’s only fair.
Calling any mainstream politician in the UK "ultra right wing" is akin to Trump & Co describing the Democrats as "Socialists". Just shows a lack of understanding of what the terms actually mean.
To be fair, the people Trump and his supporters call socialists also call themselves socialists. If you'd said communists instead, which I've heard some people call Bernie Sanders et al, that might have been a better analogy and I'd agree with your point entirely.
We are all accountable under the law. If anything, cyclists are disproportionately accountable compared to the potential for harm compared to our friends in motor vehicles.
But when it comes to vehicles and the potential for harm, unfortunately many members of the public have a [metaphorical] blind spot.
Mind you a lot of the cycle paths in France were originally built by the Nazis in WW2 so that their motorbikes could get around easily............
So all we have to do is convince the Brexit party, sorry, the tories, that it is the natural ultra-right wing thing to do? We'd have the best cycle provision in the world next year.
Well I've got to give you points for trying. Somehow you can shoehorn Brexit into any conversation. Whatever the Tories are, they are not 'ultra-right wing', in fact no party post war has adopted an ultra right wing stance. UK politics only works being left or right of centre. You're living in Robert Lindsay world, Wolfie.
Thanks, how many points and where may I redeem them? For those of us possibly rather longer in the tooth than you, this government is, compared to its predecessors, ultra right wing. Privatising the NHS, prisons, banning on shore wind farms, removing support for solar energy, hostile environment immigration, etc, etc. We now have a government run by a congenital liar and cheat advised by a neo-fascist.
Left or right of centre, true, but have you noticed how far to the right that centre has moved in the last couple of decades?
It's pretty simple really. Design cycle lanes so that they can not be parked in, like this one in France.
As you can see from the overpainted road markings, previously this used to be your typical, narrow, "painted line" cycle path. They actually took out one motor-traffic lane to enable the cycle lane to be widened to something sensible, and installed a ferocious kerb to keep cars out. So it just shows what can be done, where there is a will.
Cycle Lane.jpg
In the UK? Take a lane away from our motorised overlords? Are you quite mad??
Seriously, we practically have rioting when a council decides they'll paint a new white line, so actually confiscating road space for Bl00dy Cyclists (TM)... Grrr...
Please no! Stop building stupid segregated infrastructure. Spend the money on creating 24/7 bus lanes instead, safer and far more efficient for all road users getting from A - B.
So the government changed the rules without even bothering to tell the people affected? While all the time saying that they supported cycling, were fully behind it, and were doing everything possible to promote it. Just when you think this government couldn't get any more two-faced and incompetent, they only too easily prove you wrong.
I can't find a link to the new rules, but there are a few reports from last year about new rules being brought in https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-6417983/Motorists-face-... so perhaps this review did exactly the opposite of what the government said it was going to do?
Can we have a link for this? I've seen nothing in the news (which I suppose is the definition of "didn't bother actually telling anyone about it...").
Though frankly when did that rule ever prevent anyone parking in the cycle lane anyway, anyone ever had experience or seen it been properly enforced?
The Highway Code still says:
Last updated 20 August 2019.
I had a look through the Statutory Instruments for the DoT, couldn't see anything in there.
Seems strange that the law could be changed and be so hush-hush. Although I suppose there's a lot going on at the moment.
I've asked Cycling UK for clarification on this, it does appear the Highway Code online still says no parking on cycle lanes with solid white lines.
But if they were, there wouldn't be such a national problem with uninsured drivers, hit-and-run incidents, etc, etc...

I have insurance, thanks, and I have never run a red light or scratched a car. Who are you, again?