Sustrans is looking for volunteers to help boost healthy and environmentally friendly travel across Luton and Bedfordshire.
The sustainable transport charity will hold a recruitment fair this month to showcase its array of voluntary roles to support its practical projects.
New recruits can help maintain the National Cycle Network, get trained up to lead guided walks and bike rides, learn to become a bike mechanic, qualify as a Bikeability instructor or help out with office work - whatever best suits their skills and interests.
Volunteer Kathy Smith recently gained a part-time role in Sustrans’ Luton office after a successful year helping out with office tasks one day a week.
She said: “Volunteering got me gently back into the swing of working life, stopped me getting rusty and gave me an idea of what a permanent job here would be like.
“It’s really enjoyable to be part of such a friendly team and no two days are ever the same. And it’s great fun to pedal around the estate on a trike delivering various errands. I have a disability, but I don’t let that stop me and having access to a Sustrans trike is a real bonus.”
Kathy and current volunteers will chat to potential new recruits about their experiences at the recruitment fair, which takes place on February 26 at Luton Co-op Social Club in Stockingstone Road from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Information leaflets about Sustrans’ various projects will also be available and refreshments will be provided.
To find out more beforehand please contact activelives [at] or
telephone 01582 732919.
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