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Wiggo's top podium moments (+ video)

Expands repertoire into visual comedy

Sir Bradley Wiggins added to his long history of memorable podium moments last night by indulging in a light spot of gurning during the national anthem.

We all remember Wiggo reclining in a throne outside Hampton Court Palace after victory in the 2012 Olympic time trial (the throne later failed to sell at auction).

Just a few days before that, he’d deliberately punctured the pomposity of the Tour de France presentation by announcing “We’re just going to draw the raffle numbers now” upon being handed a microphone to speak about his win.

Yesterday, after becoming the first Briton to win eight Olympic medals with victory in the team pursuit in a new world record time, he responded to a close-up during the national anthem by switching his face from sombre to schoolboy, much to the amusement of his team-mates.

Maybe not his finest work – but then not many other athletes have paid sufficient visits to the podium to even think about compiling a greatest hits montage.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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