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Fears that George Osborne's whiplash clampdown could see cyclists denied justice

Concern that changes to small claims limit and compensation awards will make it harder to secure redress

Fears have been raised that proposals to eliminate bogus whiplash claims by raising the small claims court limit, announced by Chancellor George Osborne in his autumn statement last week, will prevent cyclists injured in road traffic collisions from obtaining compensation from a driver who is at fault.

The government plans to raise the small claims court threshold from £1,000 to £5,000 as well as encouraging that compensation awards take the form of services such as physiotherapy rather than cash.

Cycle insurance specialist the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) believes the way in which costs are awarded in small claims courts means many personal injury lawyers will leave the market if the limit is raised, leaving victims without legal representation.

“Details of the changes are not yet clarified, but the time and bureaucracy involved in making a small claim with no prospect of cash compensation is likely to put many vulnerable road users off pursuing a claim,” says the ETA.

“There is a move away from cash compensation towards awarding physiotherapy only for soft tissue injuries.”

Spurious claims for whiplash cost the insurance industry an estimated £2 billion a year and according to the government the amount of cash compensation in such cases “is out of all proportion to any genuine injury suffered,” reports the government.

In the autumn statement, Mr Osborne said a consultation will be held next year on plans to change the law to discourage false claims for whiplash, but there are concerns of a knock-on effect on other victims of road incidents.

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The Treasury said: “This will end the cycle in which responsible motorists pay higher premiums to cover false claims by others. It will remove over £1bn from the cost of providing motor insurance and the government expects the insurance industry to pass an average saving of £40-£50 per motor insurance policy on to consumers.”

The consultation was welcomed by the insurance comparison site, whose director of insurance, Simon McCulloch, quoted in The Mirror, said: “News that the whiplash cash cow, seemingly abused for too long by fraudsters, is to be tackled head on can only be good for honest motorists.”

But insurance brokers have questioned whether the savings would indeed benefit policyholders, pointing out that while the money paid out for whiplash claims has fallen by a third in the past three years, motor insurance rates have risen and are expected to continue to go up.

And Tom Jones, head of policy at Thompsons Solicitors, which specialises in personal injury, said: “This latest move ... will hit those who most need the damages and who are least able to represent themselves or pay privately for legal advice.

“Most road traffic accident personal injury claims are worth less than £5,000 meaning that the rise in the small claims limit will leave the bulk of injured people out in the cold."

Depending on the outcome of the consultation, new rules may come into force from 2017.

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The ETA added: "Fraudulent claims for whiplash has have cost drivers and insurers many millions of pounds, but the elimination of cash compensation for soft tissue injuries will have an unwelcome effect on vulnerable road users, a group already treated like second class citizens by the legal system.

“In the absence of the presumed liability that protects cyclist or pedestrians struck by a cars in other European countries, British cyclists are forced to argue for compensation – even when injury may have affected their recollection of events.

“When vulnerable road users are through no fault of their own, it is right and proper that they receive compensation for what is always a traumatic event,” it concluded.

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Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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SteppenHerring | 8 years ago


But insurance brokers have questioned whether the savings would indeed benefit policyholders, pointing out that while the money paid out for whiplash claims has fallen by a third in the past three years, motor insurance rates have risen and are expected to continue to go up.

If this is true then:


It will remove over £1bn from the cost of providing motor insurance and the government expects the insurance industry to pass an average saving of £40-£50 per motor insurance policy on to consumers.”

this is bollocks. Since it's a statement from Osborne's department, I know which way I'm inclined.

I know it was an issue a few years back. It turned out that it was insurance companies themselves selling the details of accident victims to claims companies. Whether it's still true I couldn't say.

Motor insurance is a very competitive market so policies are often priced near to - or even below - the cost of risk. Premiums might be going up because the repair costs on modern cars are so much higher. 

My bike insurance is with ETA and apart from the Basque separatism business they seem like OK people. This just looks like unnecessary meddling. 

rliu | 8 years ago

Is the ETA owned by some dodgy accident management companies perchance? As I understand it the proposals are to curb whiplash claims, which are objectively difficult to prove or disprove as the symptoms of whiplash are not visible and even doctor examinations depend on oral explanation of symptoms by the person claiming. Most cyclists injured from road traffic accidents are, unfortunately, injured visibly, be it cuts or bruises or more serious injuries requiring hospitalisation. These injuries are not really caught by the reforms proposed in the Autumn Spending Review.

Airzound | 8 years ago
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This isn't aimed at cyclists but insurance fraud gangs, typically in northern cities such as Bradford, who stage accidents and make ficticious insurance claims to defraud insurers. We all know the types of individuals but because of the PC brigade we cannot say.


Wrt to cyclists who are injured, injuries tend not to be whiplash but other abrasion or broken bones which presumably would still attract compensation. Oh for being in the US where damages can run into millions of dollars instead of a poxy £500 if that for a load of additional stress.

Danger Dicko replied to Airzound | 8 years ago
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Airzound wrote:

This isn't aimed at cyclists but insurance fraud gangs, typically in northern cities such as Bradford, who stage accidents and make ficticious insurance claims to defraud insurers. We all know the types of individuals but because of the PC brigade we cannot say.



Lovely bit of casual racism there.

Actually, not that casual. Pretty nasty.

Housecathst | 8 years ago
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The answer is buying yourself that £5 grand carbon bike you've been promising yourself for commuting. 

In all seriousness claimant solicitors a very canny and will be working on ways to deal with this, in all likelihood payout for injuries that would normally be settled for less than 5k will end up be worth 5k or more now. But the real low level cuts and bruises only will have to go the route of the small claims court with out the help of a solicitor. 

ironmancole | 8 years ago

The erosion of equality because you choose a transport choice that government purports to want to (needs to) encourage and support continues, and the benefit once again shifts in favour of the group most responsible for causing the harm in the first place.

I just saw some of the Hilary Ben speech about supporting air strikes and defeating the evil of terrorism 'as they have a moral and practical duty' to respond to protect life.

So, it's ok to be slaughtered 'by accident' on the roads but heaven forbid anyone wants to shoot you, no that simply will not do.

I remain, as ever, in awe of government apathy and reluctance to protect the vulnerable from the aggressive on a transport system we all pay for yet cannot equally use without being willing to throw my life away.

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