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Big Cycling Debate sees parties go head-to-head over post-election plans

Transport minister Robert Goodwill, Labour's Lilian Greenwood and Lib Dem Julian Huppert put their parties' cases...

Politicians from the three main parties yesterday set out their plans for cycling following May’s general election. The Liberal Democrats emerged as the party most engaged with the issues and the only one prepared to commit to a minimum level of spend – unsurprisingly, given they were represented by Dr Julian Huppert, MP for Cambridge and co-chair of the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group.

The Big Cycling Debate, organised by the UK Cycling Alliance and chaired by the broadcaster John Humphreys, pitched Dr Huppert against Conservative MP and cycling minister Robert Goodwill, and one of Labour shadow transport ministers, Lilian Greenwood.

Held at the News Limited building next to the Shard at London Bridge, it took place just hours after deputy prime minister Nick Clegg had announced the allocation between eight cities of £114 million under the Cycle City Ambition initiative.

That gave both Mr Goodwill and Dr Huppert a chance to score points - the former as a member of the Coalition Government, the latter as a Lib Dem MP.

Each participant was given five minutes to put across their party’s position, with Mr Goodwill starting by claiming that the government had increased funding for cycling in England to £2 per head to £6 per head.

The minister said the government’s ambition was for Britain to become a cycling nation similar to Denmark or the Netherlands and that with the Cycle City Ambition programme “we’ve proven that letting cities lead the way [on cycling] is a model that works.”

He added: “I won’t be satisfied until we have hit the same level of funding everywhere in the country,” although he described his wish for it to reach £10 per person annually, as sought by the APPCG’s 2013 report, Get Britain Cycling, as an “aspiration” rather than concrete policy, and one that was also dependent on local authorities.

Ms Greenwood, who is shadow rail minister – by coincidence her counterpart for cycling, Richard Burden, had to cancel his scheduled appearance at the debate due to being stuck on a train – said her party couldn’t commit to a minimum £10 per head annual spend on cycling.

However, she did say that it wanted to put an end to “stop-start “ funding, and that her party wanted “certainty” over future long-term funding in cycling, which she added would be moved to “the mainstream of transport policy.”

She added that her party wanted to tackle barriers to cycling such as lack of infrastructure and road safety issues, and that it would also promote a cross-departmental approach, with cycling also being part of its health strategy.

Dr Huppert confirmed that the Lib Dems would include a pledge to spend that £10 minimum per person on cycling each year in its general election manifesto, with the goal of increasing it eventually to £20.

He said that the party was committed to providing safe infrastructure as well as ensuring the justice system dealt fairly with cases where cyclists are the victims, and that its plans would be financed by taking money from some planned major road schemes.

The debate took place before a packed audience many of the UK’s leading cycle campaigners and a big media presence not just from the specialised press but also national print and broadcast outlets, a clear sign of how the issue of cycling has risen up the political agenda in recent years.

In part, that is due to the Cities Fit For Cycling campaign launched by The Times newspaper a little over three years ago after its journalist Mary Bowers sustained life-changing injuries when she was crushed by a lorry as she rode to work at its former offices in Wapping.

In a presentation room overlooking the River Thames and City of London in the building that now houses the newspaper, the three politicians also fielded questions from the floor.

Chris Boardman, policy adviser at British Cycling, asked them whether their parties would commit to setting aside a set percentage of the transport budget aside for cycling to make it “a viable form of transport viable for normal people in normal clothes?” None would.

Other questions included ones relating to how to make rural roads safer for cyclists, and whether there should be a national 20 mile an hour default speed limit in urban areas.

While Ms Greenwood and Mr Huppert agreed it should be encouraged, Mr Goodwill said the government would leave it to local authorities to decide and not try to impose guidance on them from above.

Concluding the debate, Humphrys asked the three politicians what they would do if they found themselves secretary of state for transport the morning after the general election.

Dr Huppert spoke of producing a programme and funding it, Ms Greenwood spoke of fostering cross-departmental co-operation, and Mr Goodwill confidently said he would call the Chancellor of the Exchequer to ask him if we can still have money.

It was a perfect set-up for Humphrys, who had the last word – and the audience in laughter – as he asked the minister: “And what do you think Ed Balls will tell you?”

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stevefry789 | 10 years ago

Despite 2m+ people cycling at least once a week it's still not a big enough cohort for the parties to get excited about. As has been said above spending on cycling infrastructure that will encourage more people to use bikes as a mode of transport will deliver a massive return on investment to the likes of the NHS, however this benefit will only be seen many years down the line. At a time when all politicians are thinking about is whether they have a job in 3 months time you can see why they're noncommittal on anything cycling related.

Jacobi | 10 years ago

As we know from past experience, at election time the Liberals will promise everything and anything and be all things to all men, but they don't have the the political will or clout to see it through and, as mad_scot_rider says, they have no scruples when it comes to ditching promises at the slightest sniff of a ministerial car.

qwerky | 10 years ago

Come election time the parties are focused on what will win them the most votes, not what is best for the country.

Although it is blindly obvious that investing is cycling is a massive benefit for the whole country (cyclists, motorists, businesses, NHS, local councils, etc all benefit) it isn't going to win votes. The popular masses aren't able to comprehend what the immediate impact is for them personally so as a policy its not a vote winner.

A small tangible benefit (or something that is popular in the media at the time) is more appealing than a large intangible benefit because people aren't able to see the complicated, big picture.

HKCambridge replied to qwerky | 10 years ago
qwerky wrote:

Come election time the parties are focused on what will win them the most votes, not what is best for the country.

Although it is blindly obvious that investing is cycling is a massive benefit for the whole country (cyclists, motorists, businesses, NHS, local councils, etc all benefit) it isn't going to win votes. The popular masses aren't able to comprehend what the immediate impact is for them personally so as a policy its not a vote winner.

A small tangible benefit (or something that is popular in the media at the time) is more appealing than a large intangible benefit because people aren't able to see the complicated, big picture.

Cycling's best chance is that the sums involved are small enough, and the promise easy enough to make, that all parties back it. Although the cycling constituency is small, the benefits are obvious and there isn't necessarily a party political difference.

Then whichever parties might need to form a coalition, everyone has cycle funding on the list, so they include it and move on to negotiating the things on which they differ.

The problem is if there is difference, and cycle funding gets canned in favour of a party's more deeply held policies when it comes to coalition negotiation.

And needless to say, if there's a coalition between parties neither of whom promised cycle funding, then it's out unless someone can resurrect it mid-parliament.

Luminosity | 10 years ago

Chris Boardman, policy adviser at British Cycling, asked them whether their parties would commit to setting aside a set percentage of the transport budget aside for cycling to make it “a viable form of transport viable for normal people in normal clothes?” None would.

Sadly, doesn't that say it all?

Grizzerly | 10 years ago

Cycling is not a party political issue. It doesn't matter what any politician says at this point in the election cycle, it will have no bearing on what happens after the election.

SteveSlow | 10 years ago

Is this the same LibDems that made promises about student tuition fees last election?
Did that happen - no.

wycombewheeler replied to SteveSlow | 10 years ago
SteveSlow wrote:

Is this the same LibDems that made promises about student tuition fees last election?
Did that happen - no.

Did the LibDems win the election? NO

Coalition can never mean all parties get all their policies enacted. If all their polices were the same they would be one party in the first place.

Obviously you feel that the Libdesms should have refused to enter coalition unless all their policies were agreed to, and missed out their only chance of having anything implemented.

andyp replied to SteveSlow | 10 years ago
SteveSlow wrote:

Is this the same LibDems that made promises about student tuition fees last election?
Did that happen - no.

Was making promises about student tuition fees in any way sensible - no. I'm quite happy that some politicians are prepared to correct on stupid mistakes rather than carrying on stubbornly.

Stumps | 10 years ago

Cycling is massively important to virtually everyone who uses this forum but is it massively important to millions of others who dont use a bike.

Thats the problem the parties face as is it a big enough vote winner like winning over the pensioner vote ?

Somehow i dont think any of the parties think so, yes the libdem's said they would honour the £10 per head but to be honest they have very little say over govt policy as this present govt shows.

mad_scot_rider replied to Stumps | 10 years ago
stumps wrote:

... yes the libdem's said they would honour the £10 per head but ...

But - they've shown themselves to have no scruples in ditching promises in a New York Minute if there's even a sniff of a ministerial car to be had

mad_scot_rider replied to Stumps | 10 years ago
stumps wrote:

... yes the libdem's said they would honour the £10 per head but ...

But - they've shown themselves to have no scruples in ditching promises in a New York Minute if there's even a sniff of a ministerial car to be had

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