A mass bike ride designed to highlight the need to cut carbon emissions and encourage more cycling takes place in Marlow in Buckinghamshire next weekend. And Newsnight journalist Liz MacKean will get in the saddle and take part.
She will be one of hundreds of cyclists who will be biking from the Marlow Crowne Plaza Hotel car park to Higginson Park in the town centre on Saturday, October 24.
Environmental group Transition Town Marlow (TTM) has organised the event, and Marlow Carbon Cycle Ride ‘n’ Park, Marlow Town Council and a number of schools, churches, community organisations and shops in the town – including Saddle Safari – are supporting it.
Those who take part in the ride will be supporting the council in their scheme to provide proper, safe bikes routes and reduce car use, and promote a sustainable form of transport
TTM spokesman Julia Lockwood said in the Bucks Free Press: “The main aim is to make it a fun community event, to be captured in a historic photo, giving people back their memory of how good it used to feel and still can feel to take the bike.
“Each Marlow person who decides to leave the car at home, and routinely takes the bike instead for daily trips, will tot up a saving in the order of 20 gallons of fuel - £100 worth - and save 200 kilos of CO2 emissions to boot. Plus it will boost their health, reputation and general well-being.”
The bike ride is being held to coincide with a global day of action, which is being called by the 350.org organizsation.
TTM has also been working with Buckinghamshire County Council and Wycombe District Council on establishing new cycle routes within the town.
Cyclists will assemble at the Crowne Plaza Hotel from 2.30pm and set off in groups on the two and a half mile ride from 3pm. Only 350 entrants may take part though, so download an entry form from www.transitionmarlow.org.
Idea feels so close but so far. A bunch of electric components (lights, pump, even straight charging) that can use the same battery seems like a...
I was using £500-2000 as the benchmark example given by the previous poster, where they indicated that there were few bikes available in that price...
Agreed in part but if you really follow that logic then in fact most pedestrian infra needs a change also!...
I would not be surprised if Mr Loophole Nick Freeman had something to say.
Will be debated on 31 March https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/707189
This is concerning of course. In the interests of fairness / motivating people it might be best if they started transformation from the wealthiest...
There are a large number of people who cycle, who've never watched any pro racing on TV.......and couldn't give two hoots about it....
While they're at it, they could put a little door on the side of the headtube. You could get a change of clothes in there.
My interpretation of the law would be that a motor vehicle/EAPC does not stop being a motor vehicle/EAPC just because it has run out of fuel...