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Sportive distances...

Since dislocating my shoulder in February I have upped my riding from 2 miles to work and back and the odd pootle to 50 mile rides, once a week with several 20 mile plus rides in each week (probably around 100 miles per week).

There is a Sportive at the end of the month in the area that I grew up in, and it would be nice to set myself a little challenge (its the Cicle oakham one FWIW).

The question is, do I do the 50 mile or the hundred? I know I can ride 50 miles, so its not a challenge per se, though it'd be nice to do it somewhere else and with other riders etc. I normally do 50 miles in under 3 hours (just) in west yorkshire. If I did the 100, with only 4 weeks of training am I going to die? What sort of finish times do other people get? Do people take the 100 really seriously? Any other advice?



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Gkam84 | 12 years ago

Yeah thats what I would say, depending on your experience of riding in groups and taking pulls on the front, then you'll either love it or hate it.

Personally, I stay clear of groups unless its a group of my mates with me. I tend to just be a solo rider

meehaja | 12 years ago

Thanks. That reinforces my thinking that I should use the 50 as a training ride, get used to riding with lots of other people etc and knuckle down and train for a bigger ride later in the year.

Thanks for your input!

Gkam84 | 12 years ago

In my experience, both distances are taken quite seriously.

With 4 weeks to go, I'd stick to what you know and do the 50 miles, maybe set yourself a time/average speed goal and try to beat that?

I wouldn't say your going to die doing the 100 mile, but if your quite happy doing the 50 mile on a weekly basis, then you should up your speed bit by bit, because of muscle "memory" (I'm not sure of the scientific properties surrounding this).

Then look at more up coming events and work on upping your distance for them. Hope thats helpful.

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