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Mavic Ksyrium Pro Exalith SL in heavy rain?


had anyone  been unable to brake in heavy rain with Mavic Ksyrium Pro Exalith SL using Mavic Exalith brake pads.

I had that experience saturday in the Alps where 10 min of heavy rain made the brakes almost unusable.

Anyone with experience of wheel set/brake pads that always will work even under extreme conditions (3-5 cm/1-2 inch of water on the road)?


help on this topic will be appreicated  3


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alexandreleger | 5 years ago


I just experienced the same lack of breaking power under the rain with my  MavicKsyrium Pro SL Haute Route, despite using the recommanded Mavic break pads. 

Has anyone find a solution ? using the black swisstop pads ?

BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

I still use the older Mavic ceramic rims with kool stop green ceramic pads and also WTB pads, excellent in heavy rain but then those older rims are like rocking horse shit now.

The new (Mavic) stuff a friend was using in the alps two weeks ago and whilst they seemed to work in sleet and rain on the flat I noticed he'd already flat spotted the rim and his rims squealed even in normal conditions.

ATEOTD water and rim systems don't work massively well when submerged, you have to just adapt to the conditions. Personally I've never lacked for braking power in any conditions whatever the wheels/brakes because I'm old enough and have a fair few miles under my belt to know what amount of braking I need for X condition and what braking system on x bike with x load will stop me/retard my speed enough 99.9999% of the time.


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