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Close Pass Initiative

I'm looking to build an interactive Google Map which will show all of the Police forces nationwide with appropiate shading depending upon if they have instigated a close pass initiative, if they are thinking about it and if they have simply said they won't.

I'll start with:

  • West Midlands Police - Yes
  • Northamptonshite Police - No 

As the list grows, I'll put the link on here such that people can see what durastriction a road falls under in case of an incident.

My reasoning behind this is that I was cycling last weekend in the lovely sunny weather and encountered a parked car. There was plenty of room between said parked car and the white central line. A car coming the opposite way, delibrately crossed the central white line, squeezing me between a stationary car and one doing 30mph. The issue is that I didn't know which Police force had durastriction on that bit of tarmac. Was it Northamptonshite or Leicestershire, I've no idea.


If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

How about doing one for police forces that actually enforces the law of undue care/dangerous driving and not flicking people on bikes off, you don't need a close pass initiative you need the police to just actually enforce the laws we currently have.

You shout hate crime/rape etc and plod are tripping over themselves even without much in the way of 'independant' evidence, roll up to a police station and say you were almost killed by someone driving a killing machine and they essentially just laugh in your face.

good luck with it for all it'll be worth.


Stef Marazzi | 7 years ago

Cool. I think you mean "jurisdiction", though. I think?

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