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Is there an App/extension/site to find ALL THE SEGMENTS!

At the moment I feel like I am stumbling around trying to find lots of interesting Strava segment. I have tried using the Strava segment explore tool but it only shows the most popular routes. Which means if you can see an A road in the box it will show 20 segments following the A56 rather than any other more interesting routes. If I just ride around new areas I find plenty of new segments but have to go back again if I want to try and push myself through them because I don't know they are there until I ride along them. 

I have also tried the 'didn't see a segment' function, but yet again it is very poorly laid out. I can only inspect one segment at a time from a list and have to keep scrolling up and down the page to see the map, I also keep clicking on segements I've done before but don't rememeber the name of.

What I would really like to see is a trace of my last route and a tree of nearly followed/crossing/reverse segments spreading out from the last route. It would make it very easy to pick out the interesting segements I might look at next time or ignore ones I've done before.

Is there such a thing? Does anyone know of an extension someone has designed? I might even pay money to download such a thing. Please help a Strava Hedgehog.

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. . | 9 years ago

If you zoom right in in Segment Explore and drag the map around in little increments it'll keep drawing different segments. is worth a look too

Leviathan replied to . . | 9 years ago

. . wrote:

If you zoom right in in Segment Explore and drag the map around in little increments it'll keep drawing different segments. is worth a look too


Segmentninja... thats spot on. Hundreds of segments, right on my doorsteps. All the twisty ones should keep me busy through the winter until I can unwrap my sprinting legs.

Leviathan | 9 years ago

I already have a VVPro account and it is invaluable to keeping a tab on 2000 segments. Perhaps I will post this on their comments, though it seems like a lot of hard work, he would have the coding skills to make it happen. 

DanTe | 9 years ago

If I were you I go onto to, sign up for a tenner to get the veloviewer pro and get in touch with the guy on there. He's a bit of a whizz with all this kind of thing. Might already exist? There's so much stato on there that I've only used about a third of the site.

Its worth signing up to pro to give the guy some support as I think it's been a good effort to get it up off the ground.

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