Starting from Surrey Sports Park, Guildford, Surrey, on May 19th 2013, this year there will be 2 courses to choose from: A medium (67 miles) and long (80 miles) sportive, taking in the rolling roads of Sussex and Surrey and the less well-known punishing climbs of the Greensand Ridge - aka The Surrey Hills. Feed stations on the course and at the finish supplying homemade cake and GU energy gels will be available to all riders. Roaming marshals from NEG, First Aid, and mechanical support will be on hand. More details are available at the event website
You omitted 'not wearing personal HiViz'! And 'wasting police time by reporting offences the police definitely don't want to know about'
Aside from the single incident which CM owned up to and invited others, with specific details, to report... what exactly does the Daily Fail...
The ranty highwayman describes this as their annual press release.
13 vehicles crashed through my wall. Time for some proper bollards!
Perhaps it was one of those terrible military "accidents" where bio-weapons were released and went further than intended or lingered for too long? ...
I dont think it should be that narrow. I used to use an older Moon Meteor Vortex Pro - It was a great light for what it was but then I switched to...
Bloody cyclists...
I have one of these and it's a nice bike. It went together well and was of good quality (as far as one can tell such things). It was all faced...
I think it is time to start a thread about what other Fantasy Cycling Games are out there.
Does ISP mean integrated seat post? Surely the stiffness is irrelevant when the bike is on gravel with fat low pressure rubber? Not that aero...