Ride, Run, or Walk to raise funds for Mental Health on Sunday, June 24, 2018!
Funds raised through Ride Don't Hide go directly to MOBYSS - CMHA York South Simcoe's Mobile Youth Walk-In Clinic. Each MOBYSS visit costs $250. We need your support to continue to provide mental health support to so many struggling youth. Did you know that 75% of all adults report the onset of their mental illness in adolescence? Each $250 raised could potentially make the difference in saving a youth’s life.
Funds raised also support CMHA Toronto's Holiday Gift program and Housing Program.
Register, volunteer and/or donate now!
We need you to make a transformational difference to EVERYONE living with mental illness and to those supporting someone living with Mental Illness. See YOU on Sunday, June 24th!
Routes include:
** NEW 100KM RIDE ** - 7:30am
60KM Ride – 8:30am
20KM Ride – 9:30am
5 KM Ride, Run, or Walk – 10:30am
All route registrations include: Breakfast, BBQ lunch, TShirt, and knowing that you are saving a youth's life.
I don't like it, but look at it from WBD's point of view. They want to cut costs / consolidate their offering. If 80% of people cancel their...
In Scotland, saying "medical episode" or even just "I can't remember" is normally the end of the matter...
Good for them and cycling in general.
That reminds to me to try and find that recent ITV documentary that was on the other evening on that very subject. I presume it'll be on ITVX?
I thought the saying was, "If it bleeds, we can kill it"?
It's a topsey-turvey world some times:...
wtjs who, if I've understood correctly, only reports "must"s now...
correct. poor typing!
I quite liked the changes. I liked parking parallel to the road as I have a camper van so could sit with the side door open to the sea. ...
They found robust association between cycling and reduced all cause mortality as you say mdavidford.the opposite of what is reported....