King Of The Pennines Sportive
This 100 mile challenge takes in over 11.000 ft. of climbing through the Peninnes which rewards riders with some of the best downhill straights and stunning views in the North. This prized area of outstanding beauty will see you dig deep and ride to the max, with the route taking you to the limestone splendor of Malham Cove, through Kettlewell and full steam ahead to the heights of Fleet Moss. Looping back around to Kettlewell you test your brakes on Park Rash before the final climb to Halton Height and the final descent in to Skipton. Expect highs of 1913ft and wind curdling descents as your journey is flanked by plummeting ravines, heather moorland and spitting streams. For those looking for a shorter (but just as tough) challenge there's the 48 mile loop featuring 3 steady climbs and equally fantastic scenery.
when the killer's colleagues showed up, he claimed the cyclist "Came out of nowhere". And, until the local news station investigated and found the...
You have to not just obey the legal requirements of The Highway Code (riding on the road not the pavement, have lights and reflectors, etc.), but...
More confusing clutter I think it would be better if folk just learnt to drive. Most folk manage it, it's just a handful of eejits who don't
I don't personally agree with the protesters, but they are not idiots. They are not convinced by the arguments for an LTN, but those arguments are...
Just got back from my local recycle and reuse place to buy a bike for my granddaugher, £5 it cost Me, they have lots of bikes. The palce does well,...
I thought if things got that bad the rear cassette could crack open a bottle!
Most of those people aren't cycling as sport, though, which is the relevant outcome for BC's purposes....
Not sure how that snuck in! Now changed :)
Can Death by Dangerous Driving be upgraded to just 'Manslaughter' as well please? Oh wait, Tory speaking against the car-lobby... never ever gonna...
Interesting review - especially around the dials. ...