Surrey Hills Gravelcross CX Sportive
The Surrey Hills Gravelcross CX Sportive is an awesome ride, mixing the back hills and features a 3km enclosed gravel start and finish loop within the event base itself!
Based in Cranleigh Showground the edge of the ever popular Surrey Hills, the Gravelcross CX is a blast from the word go! The first three kilometers are on an enclosed gravel circuit within the showground itself (see below), before you head out into the hills on a mixed course featuring the best of the magnificent network of back lanes, fire roads and tracks that this prime cycling destination has to offer! And of course, we will keep you fuelled and on track with the full package of organisation and support that you can rely on at Wiggle CX Sportive Series events!
The full course option for the Gravelcross is an intense 60km, with almost 1,300m of climbing packed into that distance. So a bit shorter but a lot sharper than other some of the other events in the series; underestimate this one at your peril!
It's not hard to minimise civilian casualties if you don't attack areas full of civilians, even if you believe or know that enemy combatants are...
I don't have children but I have other people that rely on me. I find that having life insurance makes me worry less about that....
Could you let me know where you got this defintion from.
Well, the video shows the cyclist were off their bikes, sat down, asking Bennett to leave them alone. Pretty clear, surely ?
Turns out that Aldi actually do...
Cue: police e-bike riders chase Cat3 rider, police end up in hedge after failure to corner like a seasoned cyclist.
Appreciate that Tony. Seems odd that I am Waterloo.... Paul seems seems less formal and is my name! As I have said previously, you set the...
Is it worth you pushing on for an extra day and resting on Tuesday? The forecast for Tuesday looks awful - gales and rain! Good luck!
This is correct, much too short at the front, dirty water will simply spray back into the riders face, legs, and bike. And without a front flap the...
Close but no cigar..... my best effort in a Grand Tour but still no win. Well played No Man's Landa, you just had too much ammunition!