We’re kicking off our 2016 MTB series with an exciting new outing in the Hampshire countryside. Starting just down the road from Newbury, we’re ideally situated for a day of off-road fun! Heading south from the event centre, riders will explore the bridleways around the North Wessex Downs and pass a familiar spot made famous by author Richard Adams and a host of rabbits! There will of course be challenging climbs and quick descents, sure to burn off the last of the festive calories and keep you alert in the January air. With a choice of route distances and High5 feed stations to keep you going along the way, this will be a fantastic New Year’s challenge to set you for the year ahead.
It's very simple - they're reviews by two different people.
Exactly. Why didn't you brake? Because I was making sure I did my mandatory bell ring.
That's what the article seems to say. Surprised I didn't get an email from Komoot explaining the new fees, but that I'm excluded with that world...
Are you deliberately trying to make us pedants' brains implode here? Because if so, you've succeeded. And you're one sic puppy.
You're correct:...
we were SO lucky with the weather on this one. i've done the butt buster a month later in temperatures that never got above freezing
The lefty fork. Answering a question no-one asked...
Some armed bloke was shot by the white house in the last few days. I'm surprised zelenskyy didn't lay him out !
In addition to my steel road bike, I got a titanium gravel bike built last year; really fancied a 'signature bike' and the bike mechanic I use was...
What are you, some kind of authoritarian* Communist?...