Trans-Alp Munich To Venice Classic Bike
Imagine a ride so perfect in every detail, that we almost burst when we discovered it! Starting on the high plain of Southern Bavaria, and then heading towards the Alps. We shall then cycle amongst the towering giant mountains of the Inntal, Austria - via Innsbruck, we shall then pedal the historic Brenner Pass - the scene of migrations, battles and crusades across the centuries, and down the sumptuous Adige Valley Cycle Trail. Finally, compressed into this awesome ride, is the crescendo - along the quiet shore of Lake Garda and through the ancient Roman City of Verona and across to Venice..... you'll do well to find a better ride - we'll put money on it!
I got knocked off by a driver with 30points. I can't really blame the driver, he was just acting to form, totally foreseeable therefore not an...
It may not have got as far as the jury even getting to consider the case - trials can collapse for a whole bunch of reasons.
He has done horribly wrong no doubt about that but I had hoped that this website is above revenge-style moves like posting villains pictures. Thats...
Longwater junction is just nasty at the best of times. Road markings have vanished and it's a total free for all no mater what direction you are...
I can do the basics, but largely I prefer to take my bike to the LBS when it needs a service, when they check all the big things and sort them out...
Agree about the blue badge / double yellows ... as you say it's moot in practice....
There is a link to the 1 page manual which clearly shows how it is used.
Interesting, thanks Rendel
Twas ever thus.
Scrapping free car parks could frighten away shoppers ...