21st February 2015
This event is February's most popular audax and one of the largest Brevet Populaire audaxes in the UK. So if you intend to enter then please do not leave it too late. It will be sold-out within coming weeks.
Cafe Controls
- START: Whitlenge, Hartlebury (nr Kidderminster, Worcestershire)
- Upton-Upon-Severn (45km)
- Evesham (77km)
- FINISH: GHQ Whitlenge, Hartlebury (123km)
The Routes
The two rides pass clockwise and anticlockwise around Worcestershire. The official route primarily uses quiet country lanes but if icy conditions prevail, there is also a route using gritted roads.
The People
Many an audaxer has announced that the Express audaxes were their first event prior to taking up serious audaxing. The event attracts are whole array of participants from the experienced audax fraternity to elite time trialists, club riders or individuals wanting a day out along local country lanes. It is an event inclusive to all. Quite a few experienced audax riders have claimed that they were introduced to audaxing via the Sunrise and Snowdrop Express.
- Quiet country lanes
- Dedicated webpages -
- Dedicated Facebook Group -
- Low entry fee (£6.75 for CTC AUK member or £8.75 others)
- Paypal Entry
- GPX downloads
- Clear route cards
- Extremely grumpy control staff in the true tradition of audax
- Food available to purchase at Upton and Evesham
- Bread pudding the size which is big enough to sink a battleship, available at Evesham
- Free Food vouchers at GHQ
- Full breakfast available to purchase for early arrivals
Overall, there is always a good atmosphere with a positive sense of camaraderie. Any miseries will be strictly instructed by the controllers to enjoy themselves. The route is not undulating and not overly hilly but many riders report the rides as quite challenging given the time of year and prevailing weather conditions - but feel a sense of well-being and achievement.
Philip Whiteman
On behalf of the Beacon Roads Cycling Club
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