Norwich 100 / 50 / 25 bike ride
Starting and finishing in the beautiful City of Norwich, this ride takes you through a perfect cycling country of quiet roads and picturesque villages. From the start, all routes head north to Reepham, with the 25 mile route heading east to Horstead. The 50 mile route then loops back past Blickling Hall while the 100-milers head up to the coast at Holkham and east to the half-way point at Sheringham, touching on the Broads, before returning to the finish.
Start Venue: The Forum, Bethel St, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1TF
Start time: 7-8am (100 mile); 8-9am (50 mile); 9-9.30am (25 mile)
Distance: 100 , 50 or 25 miles
The Milk Race sticker on the Holdsworth bag is even more anachronistic than it appears at first glance because the race was amateurs-only until...
It's catching! Nowhere is it more striking than in our best historic cities the ruination cars cause with situations that decades ago should never...
I know it's not the same, but they are saying Quest will have free highlights.
If the rumours about 2027 are true, ASO will likely see the result of their decision to allow WB to put the tour behind a paywall. I doubt anywhere...
Just think of the weight savings you could achieve there though, because they usually have outers for the whole run!...
Yeah but if you take away any chance of getting their licence back they'll turn into some kind of amoral road-bandit! * checks court records again ...
As far as I can see, the only place anything like that number appears in the source story is in the video, near the end, when they're chatting...
A338: Van flips over in crash on busy road 40 mph zone
Actually, the opposite. Given that we live in a representative democracy, PSPOs are put in place by locally elected members who vote in the...
From experience, tubeless doesn't make much sense for 25mm and below. The pressures that you need to run the tyres at mean the sealant is much less...