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Commuter diaries - we just ride here


Great ride yesterday, 20 miles in the Sun, riding my ss with just the essential in my pocket.

Is it me or is cycling everywhere at the moment ranging from Reginald Perrin on the BBC to CSI NY on 5. We no longer seem to be counter culture or even lycra clad subversives are we in danger of becoming main stream and if so would that be a bad thing?

After all that would surely mean more bikes and fewer cars on the road.

Just watched a film about the staff at Santa Cruz Bicycles, called "we just ride here", very inspiring.

Flo K

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OldRidgeback | 15 years ago

Denzil - I couldn't really see whether he did or not, he was so low to the ground.


Jon Burrage | 15 years ago

I am all for cyclists to be given more protection as I dont want to see my fellow riders injured or worse but we do ourselves no favours when we expect drivers to obey rules of the road when we feel we can bend or break those rules.

OldRidgeback | 15 years ago

Jon - some look at me as if I'm a Martian, some look embarassed.
I've also said, "I suppose you have jump red lights because you're so slow it's the only way you get anywhere," which is a bit nastier and probably not as effective.
To people wearing glasses I've said, "I think you need a new prescription, you didn't see that red light."
To one guy on a recumbent I said, "If you can't see the lights from down there maybe you shouldn't be riding that thing in traffic." He got quite stroppy. Given that truck/car drivers are even less likely to see a recumbent than a normal bicycle I think the guy's attitude was in blatant disregard for his own safety.

Denzil Dexter replied to OldRidgeback | 15 years ago
OldRidgeback wrote:

To one guy on a recumbent I said, "If you can't see the lights from down there maybe you shouldn't be riding that thing in traffic." He got quite stroppy. Given that truck/car drivers are even less likely to see a recumbent than a normal bicycle I think the guy's attitude was in blatant disregard for his own safety.

Did he have a beard?

Jon Burrage | 15 years ago

Reasonable thing to say, how do they respond?

dave6779 replied to Jon Burrage | 15 years ago

My girlfriend study's in cambridge and when i go down to see her, i am constantly astounded by how stupid some cyclists can be. Jumping red lights or riding through a gap when pedestrians are crossing under the command of the green man. Mind you there is some hope. I've seen a few actually wear helmets.

OldRidgeback | 15 years ago

Hmm, were things really better in the good old days when riding across London on a bicycle was the preserve of a minority? At least there wasn't such a scrum at the lights though.

One thing I've noticed from commuting in London is that most of the people who jump red lights on their bikes are slowpokes who you catch up with about 100m further on. I often say, "Did you not see the red light? People like you give cyclists a bad name. You'll end up under a truck if you keep on riding like that."

londondailyphoto replied to OldRidgeback | 15 years ago
OldRidgeback wrote:

One thing I've noticed from commuting in London is that most of the people who jump red lights on their bikes are slowpokes who you catch up with about 100m further on. I often say, "Did you not see the red light? People like you give cyclists a bad name. You'll end up under a truck if you keep on riding like that."

With you there, but I rarely say anything - let Darwin have his way. Reckon it's better led by example. Chances are as you stay at lights and then ride past effortlessly, they will (may?) aspire to that level of comfort on their bikes.

One time recently I did say something was when I saw a bloke all iPoded-up ride across a ped/bike crossing after the (car) traffic lights had gone green. The car that could have run him down managed to brake, the pedestrians on the side got out the way. When I caught up with him later I just said "that was a bit more risk than you might have wanted". His reaction? "My crossing lights were green". Maybe at one time they were, but just not when he went.

alotronic | 15 years ago

I have to remind myself when on the commute that every bike rider who rides to work in London deserves a medal and encouragement - it's an effort because so many of them ride so badly and are so rude to pedestrians that I end up apologising for them and saying things like 'we're not all like that'.

I do miss the times where having a fixie to commute on was worth a nod between equals on the high road, but I also wish everyone to feel as lucky as I do to have discovered one of the few activities that can provide you with basic transport, fitness and a massive rush all at once...

Barry Fry-up | 15 years ago

Mainstream is what we're aiming for, surely? I for one would welcome with open arms the wholesale acceptance of cycling as legitimate transport, rather than being cut up and sworn at by a succession of wankers in every size of motorised transport each morning. +1 for mainstream from me.

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