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Friday Rideday


Today was a first here at towers - the first ride organised through the site, for the readers, by the readers (hit the 'location" button in your profile to find other members in your area). Okay there was only three of us but you gotta start somewhere and we had a great ride, getting a metric century in (just) for good measure.

Our guide for the day was Fringe, who's a postman from Bedminster in Bristol. This used to leave plenty of afternoons free for hitting the road, but now with two small kids there's a few more demands on his time (don't I know it, God bless 'em). Anyhow he was free this Friday and after posting on the forum to see who else was, we gathered our small band (him, me and Jon) together for a blast out to Chepstow and beyond

And what a blast it was. Out through the lanes we kept up a decent lick as far as the Severn Bridge – tough going on the way out but that bode well for the return – and made our foray into Wales. The loop round past Tintern was magical, both in the sense that it was beautiful riding and in the sense that it seemed to be imbued with supernatural properties. You get two cracking descents (both at least 3 miles long) for the price of one climb, obviously the exchange rate is good at the moment. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've been out on a long ride and come back feeling like I've spent more time going downhill than up. Fantastic.

The wind-assisted Severn crossing on the way back was a chance for a good chat and to dicuss the merits of Fringe's 853 Argos, then it was back along the estuary. On the way out we'd been thwarted by a closed road so we decided to hang a right and see where we ended up. How bad could it be, we said? Well, it could be as bad as ending up on a trailer park, followed by a bit of light off road to take us to an artic-choked dual carriageway, which triathlete Jon saw as an opportunity to get some high-pace TT training in. Thanks.

Back under the suspension bridge we were up to 95km, so we noodled around the city centre and took the long way back to the car, nudging over the 100km by 200m. Top day out. Who's next? Show us your patch!*

*As long as your patch isn't in Cape Wrath or something  1

Dave is a founding father of, having previously worked on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike magazines back in the day. He also writes about e-bikes for our sister publication ebiketips. He's won three mountain bike bog snorkelling World Championships, and races at the back of the third cats.

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Jon Burrage | 15 years ago

I will see you there tonight if you are going. I recognise the course, its part of the normal bad tri 80mile+ training ride. Very very flat and quite exposed to the wind so should be a test if todays forecast is acurate. Hope to see you there guys.

dave atkinson | 15 years ago

turns out it isn't the course i set my PB on then, but i know them roads cause the exmouth exodus uses that back one... looks like a nice loop! i'll try and get a pass for this tues...

Fringe | 15 years ago

the Clevedon Cycling Club TT, heres a map, starts in the layby by the 'Bridge Inn' on the B3133, see map its a loop and a quarter (10 miles). starts 7.30.

Jon Burrage | 15 years ago

Will try and get down to your local tt next week...need the practice! Where and when does it start.

Fringe | 15 years ago

yep a good afternoon had by all, didnt mind the TT'ing myself. thanks for coming along.

likewise Jon, will be up for another ride.

Jon Burrage | 15 years ago

Was a really nice ride, will be doing it again thats for sure. Sorry about the tt-ing.

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