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Mud on the road

Returned from my morning ride looking like I'd completed in a cyclocross, do farmers have any responsibility for clearing the mud they leave all over the road?

And what about those so-called gardening contractors who blow leaves into the road? This is especially annoying and wasteful as leaf mould is a useful material for real gardeners.

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jellysticks | 11 years ago

I stand ill-informed, willing to be informed, and apologetic for my tone. I have to admit that forums bring out my inner reactionary; I should know by now to take many deep breaths, and 99% of the time walk away from the computer.

It just surprised me (even more so learning that Crosshouses is a rural dweller) to see such a question being posed - surely getting muddy is a (sometimes infuriating I grant you) regular occurrence for a cyclist of any discipline who happens to live in the UK?!

Never shot a badger. I did get 4 likes though - yessssssss

andyp | 11 years ago
giff77 | 11 years ago

Bikeylikey. You are either seriously brave or seriously foolish. We all now wait with bated breath to see you flamed in front of our very eyes by the females if this forum. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned comes to mind.

fat buddha | 11 years ago

how can Mud still be on the road?? 2 of the band are dead.....  3

unconsoled | 11 years ago

Look on the bright side, in the New Forest the roads are awash with a weak solution of pony sh*t from about September to April ... and you don't want to think too much about what it's dissolved in. Now where did I put that hazmat suit.

Kapelmuur | 11 years ago

For the benefit of jellysticks, I'm originally from Shropshire and do all my riding in rural Cheshire. Couldn't be much more of a bumpkin.

giff77 | 11 years ago

Farmers are obliged to clear excessive muck from the road. Interpretation of this though is up for debate. If it is in huge amounts it can be dangerous for all road users. Same would apply to the leaf blowers. By rights they shouldn't be blowing stuff onto the road. OK that does sound a bit Victor Meldrew but that's the case. Also, if any road user sees something on the road that is a hazard they should stop if they can do so and move the hazard or call it in.

There's a stretch along my commute that has fallen leaves along a bend with a nasty camber. I stay well in the middle of the road much to dislike of motorists behind me. I'd rather hold them up than lose the bike and end up under their wheels.

As for trolling more a genuine question I think.

jellysticks | 11 years ago

Hold on people. Perhaps a troll? I just cant *quite* believe that someone has actually posted this in seriousness. If they have, I have just the image in my mind of the kind of person they are, and I despair.

Original poster, if you are serious, please realise that farmers have to drive tractors in and out of fields year-round in order to work, and that while you may only have lived in the countryside for 5 minutes (come on, you come from a city don't you? Or maybe cycle out from one on your ride), many people have survived for years without really considering 'mud on road' to be a major impediment or worthy of an internet rant...

Actually the leaf mould paragraph confirms it - hilarious wind up, well done...

Throbbobank replied to jellysticks | 11 years ago

a. " I have just the image in my mind of the kind of person they are, and I despair"

"Original poster, if you are serious, please realise that farmers have to drive tractors in and out of fields year-round in order to work", many people have survived for years without really considering 'mud on road' to be a major impediment or worthy of an internet rant...


Touche mon brave! I have an image of you trapping then illegally shooting a badger and lobbing it by the side of the road to "pretend" traffic collision (CSI Farmers Weekly anyone?) ruining my ride out having to view it - and I despair.....

Farmers have to drive tractors and should be well aware that it is an offence under the Highways Act to allow soil or refuse from land adjacent to a public highway to fall, be washed, or carried on to the road - I fully accept that as an agricultural business person that doing something about your mud on the road might be an inconvenience or added expense but, well, you run a business and since your profits depend on an outcome which impacts others, it's not unreasonable to suggest that it's solved - It's no different to chemical producers not just being able to discharge unwanted bi-products of manufacture into rivers anymore and so have to pay to get them removed properly (shhh I know - you've got all those agro-chems and nasties in your barn and the EA can't watch that brook)

I suspect, you'll find that more akin to a proper "internet rant" - and if not, I know how to get police data on car crashes likely to be caused by slides due to mud via FIA - Now, that would be interesting reading for all those "many people" who have "survived" (how lucky are they!) without moaning about your mud

Throbbobank replied to Throbbobank | 11 years ago


Touche mon brave! I have an image of you trapping then illegally shooting a badger and lobbing it by the side of the road to "pretend" traffic collision (CSI Farmers Weekly anyone?) ruining my ride out having to view it - and I despair.....

No response from Jellysticks then - too busy badger shooting???

Shanefutcher | 11 years ago

Totally agree i now have to add 3miles on my 10mile commute as come autumn/winter the 'b'roads are a disgrace and you get cars thinking they can go 60mph on tight lanes which are basically dirt tracks.i now have to commute on busy 'a'roads

Trull | 11 years ago

Man up and stick some mudguards on!

Bikeylikey replied to Trull | 11 years ago
Trull wrote:

Man up and stick some mudguards on!

Isn't this what's known as a contradiction in terms? Surely it should be 'EITHER man up OR stick some mudguards on'? I remember an anti-mudguard post on here which said something like 'forget mudguards, man up and just wash your clothes'. By this reasoning, presumably, you would be told 'Woman up and fit mudguards', not 'man up'. Because as we all know, men are brave soldiers and women are wimps.

glynr36 | 11 years ago

Rule #5...

Leviathan replied to glynr36 | 11 years ago
glynr36 wrote:

Rule #5...

Rule #5 you arse* nevermind farmers mud on the road, today I saw a guy leaf blowing the pavement right into a nice pile down the cycle lane. A guy going the other way had to swerve right out into the middle of the road, nothing behind him but it will take weeks for the leaves to mulch down as cyclist can't ride over it and drivers don't go that wide. It is a crime to obstruct the public highway.

*just venting;)

Metjas | 11 years ago

I feel your pain. Farmers have no appreciation for the time we spend cleaning our bikes.

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