CTC London Newsletter: Monday, 19 December 2011 - What is happening to cycling in Greater London?
Cyclists' Touring Club
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CTC Right to Ride Representative
Local Group Secretary
Local Group Officers
CTC Members
CTC Affiliated Club
Friend of Cycling in London
Please forward to interested parties
Please find below news that may be of interest to your role CTC or other organisations, enabling all those who wish to use a cycle as transport or leisure to be able to do so.
Unwanted Emails
If these CTC London emails are unwanted, please let me know ASAP by sending me an email and placing unsubscribe in the subject line and I will take you off my distribution list.
I will be using Mailchimp program soon so the process of unsubscribing and subscribing be much easer.
1. King's Cross Station Vigil
Urgent – We Need Action Now - Can You Help?
Why: Cyclists, pedestrians, and friends and family of recent crash victims will gather for a Christmas vigil to remember loved ones and highlight the unacceptable death toll on the capital's roads.
Date: Tuesday 20 December 2011
Time: 6.00 pm
Location: outside King's Cross Railway Station
Supported by: The London Cycling Campaign, RoadPeace, London Living Street and CTC/CTCLondon
2. Advance Notice
LCC (London Cycling Campaign) Election Campaign Event
Why: CTC/CTC London is supporting the LCC Election Campaign Event in support its campaign to make roads in the Greater London safe and inviting as in Holland (Netherlands) for cycling.
Date: Saturday 28 April 2012
Please try not to book any ride or event on this day so that we can have a good turn out.
Time: To be confirmed
Location: central London, feeders to be confirmed.
Supported by: The London Cycling Campaign and CTC/CTCLondon
3. Can you help?
Cycle Rides
I believe there is either a shortage or lack of knowledge of short cycle ride in the Greater London area.
To negate this I am compiling a database of ride organisers and if there are any geographical gaps, I will attempt to get the gaps filled
Do you know of any shorts rides?
What types of group are you?
CTC Members group
Informal cycling group
LCC local group
Sustrans group
Friend of the Earth group
Greenpeace group
Church group
BEM group
Faith group
Youth hostel group
Meetup group
Any other type of group
Name of group
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
Do you have rides midweek?
Do you have rides on Saturday?
Do you have rides on Sunday?
Time of start
How long are the rides in terms of distance?
How long are the rides in terms of time?
Please send all information to
philipbenstead1 [at] gmail.com
Many thank for help in this matter
4. Contributions Needed
Do you have any news good bad or indifferent about cycling in London, what make you blood boil.
Do you have any new that could go in this newsletter and /or on CTC London yahoo group site?
Please send me your news to
5. CTC London Yahoo Group?
I am trying to get individuals to join CTC London Yahoo Group so I do not have to send out these emails.
Join now at http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/ctclondon
Email to ctclondon [at] yahoogroups.co.uk