Calder Clarion Sunday Club Runs
Sunday Rides are held every week and start from various meeting places around Wakefield depending on the destination. There are 3 groups, A,B and C. The fastest (A) riding at 20mph plus and the slowest (C) at a social pace. No cyclist will be left behind on the B and C run.
Details of rides including location maps of meeting points can be found on the Club Run Page of website. Maps of probable routes are included for most rides so you can try them out yourself or join a run part way through. Details of the End of Ride Pubs, are shown for those who like a get together for a beer afterwards.
Winter rides are around 50 miles increasing in the summer to 80 to 100 miles
*Note C Run starts later and often from different start points to A & B rides. If you wish
to join C rides please contact Runs Captain Steve Burton 01924 254806 steveclarion [at] before the day of the ride.
Winter rides start at 0900 and Summer rides between 0800 and 0830
The problem with any infrastructure that requires drivers to pay attention and actually look is that drivers don't pay attention and they don't...
Need to educate people how to use gears. So often, someone gets on a bike for first time and ends up grinding big gear, or pushing it uphill and...
another aspect of this is that the rise of the electric scooter and hire bikes (certainly in london) means that older kids are less likely to be...
Can Death by Dangerous Driving be upgraded to just 'Manslaughter' as well please? Oh wait, Tory speaking against the car-lobby... never ever gonna...
Interesting review - especially around the dials. ...
"He added that while Kapitansky stopped at a convenience store five minutes before the crash, there’s no evidence that shows that he ever...
Council has just an 'E' left to finish East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood work:...
Idea feels so close but so far. A bunch of electric components (lights, pump, even straight charging) that can use the same battery seems like a...
Will be debated on 31 March
While they're at it, they could put a little door on the side of the headtube. You could get a change of clothes in there.