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Thanks to the team...

Just wanted to thank Andy and all the other folk for another season of great fantasy entertainment. I know i've said it before but i spend a lot of time indoors looking after my son and cycling fantasy really does brighten my days. 

I know it's been really quite tricky to keep on top of the roster changes for those running the games for a full three years now... to the point where it must become a pain in the arse at times... so thanks for that...really.

Also... FPL should fill the hole for a while until we return to Australia... but i don't recognise everybody in our league. Should we change our names to our fantasy cycling names?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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jollygoodvelo | 2 years ago

Seconded.  I've been a bit disengaged from it this year but still enjoyed the game and appreciate the efforts you all go to!

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