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Cycling protesters 'liberate' Auckland Harbour Bridge from motor traffic

The cyclists were calling for a three month trial of a cycle lane on the bridge

Thousands of cyclists 'broke through' a police barricade to ride across Auckland Harbour Bridge in protest at its lack of a cycle lane.

Two lanes of the bridge were flooded with jubilant cyclists as they 'opened up the bridge' and rode across 'showing the Government what was possible'. 

Cyclists from all walks of life rode to the bridge yesterday morning calling for a three-month cycle lane trial on the bridge.

They were met by police officers, but managed to 'break through' a barricade to get access.

A police spokesperson said one person had been arrested for breaching the cordon.

Despite the initial confrontation the protest was peaceful with families and young children enjoying the stunning views as they pedalled across the Bridge. 

People living on the North Shore of the New Zealand city are currently forced to get on the ferry to get across the bay as the bridge has no cycle lane in place. 

Bike Auckland, who organised the protest appealed to the New Zealand transport agency, Waka Kotahi, to approve the trial this summer. 

In a statement, it said:  "We ask Waka Kotahi to give us the chance to cycle across the Bridge and show what is possible. 

"We ask Waka Kotahi to understand that cross harbour ferry services are swamped at peak hours with bikes and e-scooters, and are not suitable to cope with future demand as micro-mobility continues to grow. 

"We ask Waka Kotahi to recognise that delivering this critical link is a matter of urgency, due to climate catastrophe. It’s time to give Aucklanders more transport choice, with better low carbon options.

"We ask Waka Kotahi to see the shape of the future and open the Bridge to a trial cycle lane this summer."

> Cycling UK questions Humber Bridge footway closure 

On Twitter, people who took part in the protest shared images of cyclists happily and safely riding across the 1,000 metre long bridge.

About 170,000 vehicles cross the bridge on a typical day but yesterday the sounds of the traffic were drowned out, momentarily. 

One happy protestor commented: "I have now danced on the Harbour Bridge - may many more of us do so again very soon."

Many of the local press articles on the protest focused on the alleged 'closing of the bridge' and 'traffic chaos' however cyclists pointed out that the movement was in fact doing the very opposite.

As one Twitter user wrote: "Today wasn't about making motorists angry. It was about proving that a bike lane on the bridge is possible."

If you wish to sign the petition supporting the #liberateTheLane campaign you can do so here

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Secret_squirrel | 3 years ago

Well done them. Presumably the traffic is fairly directional so they could sacrifice a car line permanently and have a contra flow style affair that changes direction where the weight of the cars are. 

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