The South Downs Way: 100 miles or 100km
The South Downs Way; it has long been a right of passage in mountain biking circles. And now this hundred mile ribbon of imposing chalk downland is the single day gravel challenge, and you can take it on with our unparalleled CX Sportive support.
Renowned as a supreme physical rather than technical challenge, the South Downs Way is the most high profile long distance MTB challenge that we have. But so much more, too. The huge climbs, sweeping descents and expansive coastal views make it a truly memorable ride in one of the most quintessentially beautiful parts of the British countryside.
CX Century brings you all of this in the ultimate South Downs event! An unforgettable experience and a monumental challenge and endurance badge of honour!
CX Century is fully supported, from route marking to multiple feed and support stops, so all you have to do is concentrate on taking on this epic ride!
That's correct, but it raises an interesting question: if the defendant used a knife the starting point for a minimum term is twenty-five years, if...
Is my bike insurer the only one that insists the bike is locked so the lock goes through the frame when not in use, even if stored indoors. This...
And guns don't kill people, people kill people et cetera et cetera. Nuclear weapons aren't dangerous until somebody presses the button. It's a...
To be fair as much as I like to see decent public rack being put up just not at the cost of taking spaces like these specifically designed to allow...
Stop beating a dead horse, people. This story isn't really about trans competitors but about the elected felon and his autocratic regime, targeting...
Has it? Okay. TBH I was just trying to be funny by quoting FBs catchphrase back at them...
You've missed the bit where it's going to court.
The Silca is not that great, if you go online to Silca and look at the scale they use it is very poorly designed with the readings far to close...
I gurantee you this is happening to millions of products sold all over the world.
Roughly about 66% to 75% of the flats that I get I can repair the tube without ever removing the wheel from the bike! This is an old trick I was...