This summer we are teaming up with mental health charity Miricyl to raise funds for vital research for children and young people affected by mental illness. Running from May 20 to September 16, Cycle for a Miracle is an invitation to see who can cycle the furthest and raise the most for young people's mental health research.
Mental illness is the number one cause of illness in children and young people. Whether it is depression or anxiety, self-harm, addiction or anorexia, the pressures children and young people face today seem to be making modern life more difficult to deal with.
It is only 10 years since the first iPhone and the first fully qualified psychiatrist with experience of an iPhone in Year 7 will not graduate until next year.
However, technology is not only making life challenging, it is also offering new opportunities. To make the most of these, Miricyl is launching Cycle for a Miracle.
How far can you cycle and how much money can you raise for children and young people’s mental health this summer? If you are in a cycle club, you can enter as a club. Alternatively, you can enter as an individual as a member of the team.
Miricyl Chief Executive Alex Conway said: “One in four people are affected by mental illness but how many conversations will you have today?
“My best friend only recently told me of his struggle with depression in his 20s. The experience had made him decide he should stay single and not burden a girlfriend with how he felt throughout his 30s. This was despite having a good job, owning a house and otherwise seeming ok. I had no idea.
“I know it’s not very PC, but I could have punched him on the nose and told him not to be so stupid a decade ago. He now has a partner.”
Cycle for a Miracle is not just about raising money for children and young people. It is about raising awareness between fundraisers and their friends and family so people can share their stories and get the support they need.
Every penny raised is not just a step closer to finding cures for mental illnesses, it is also a step closer to achieving equality for those affected by mental health.
Here cyclist Jeff tells his story and why he will be taking part in Cycle for a Miracle this summer.
For more information and to register go to
That's an interesting test, but only mentions the elephant in the room at the very end - you're burning far more matches by going hard up the hills...
But when all the work is done for them and it's a driver :...
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Sounds like you should have got a small
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That is unbelievable. 6 points for all that distress, injury, damage, bone fracture and emotional pain. Not to mention the cost to the NHS....
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