The Cycle Ride returns for 2018 at the Guide Dogs HQ, Hillfields, Burghfield Common, Reading, Berkshire. There are three distance options available;
- 41.5km Fun Ride
- 84km Classic
- 125km Epic
Facilities include chip timing, fully sign posted course, aid stations, mechanic on site, on course support, sag wagon and refreshments on site.
The Guide Dogs Tour of Berkshire starts from 08:30 with registration taking place from 07:45.
The cycle course takes cyclists through the beautiful Berkshire countryside, a designated area of outstanding natural beauty. Here you will pass through the traditional villages of West Berkshire, negotiate a selection of short punchy climbs and experience the stunning scenery and quiet country lanes of the Royal County of Berkshire.
We are encouraging participants to cycle in aid of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
That, might actually change in this case. The family of the deceased has predictably and justifiably filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the...
More confusing clutter I think it would be better if folk just learnt to drive. Most folk manage it, it's just a handful of eejits who don't
I don't personally agree with the protesters, but they are not idiots. They are not convinced by the arguments for an LTN, but those arguments are...
Just got back from my local recycle and reuse place to buy a bike for my granddaugher, £5 it cost Me, they have lots of bikes. The palce does well,...
I thought if things got that bad the rear cassette could crack open a bottle!
Most of those people aren't cycling as sport, though, which is the relevant outcome for BC's purposes....
Not sure how that snuck in! Now changed :)
Can Death by Dangerous Driving be upgraded to just 'Manslaughter' as well please? Oh wait, Tory speaking against the car-lobby... never ever gonna...
Interesting review - especially around the dials. ...
Will be debated on 31 March