Event title: Ride Don’t Hide – The Greater Toronto Ride
Where: Upper Canada Mall, Newmarket
When: Sunday June 25, 7am-2pm
Description example:
Ride, Run, or Walk to raise funds for Mental Health on Sunday, June 25, 2017!
Ride Don’t Hide is a national event held in over 30 communities from coast-to-coast across Canada.
Funds raised through Ride Don't Hide go directly to MOBYSS - CMHA York South Simcoe's Mobile Youth Walk-In Clinic. Each MOBYSS visit costs $250. We need your support to continue to provide mental health support to so many struggling youth. Did you know that 75% of all adults report the onset of their mental illness in adolescence? Each $250 raised could potentially make the difference in saving a youth’s life.
Funds raised also support CMHA Toronto's Holiday Gift program and Housing Program.
Register, volunteer and/or donate now!
We need you to make a transformational difference to EVERYONE living with mental illness and to those supporting someone living with Mental Illness. See YOU on Sunday, June 25th!
Routes include:
60KM Bike
20KM Bike
5KM Bike, Run, or Walk
All route registrations include: Breakfast, BBQ lunch, TShirt, and knowing that you are saving a youth's life.
Register here: http://ridedonthide.com/on/ride/greater-toronto/
Constantly blinded at night while driving or cycling due to the brightness of car lights but it is we cyclists who will be punished? FFS....
That bubbly at the shareholders' meetings doesn't pay for itself, you know
Individual health benefits are also a public benefit, though, because it means those individuals are not adding as much to the workload and costs...
I don't know what metrics (if any) the BBC governance model solves for; I suspect there aren't any. Eastenders definitely gets a viewing figures...
I cycled in Italy on a holiday once. I can't claim my 4 or so bike rides were representative, but even in that short time, yeah, saw a number of...
Well, it's a victory for people power... unfortunately I think a mistaken one *. The problem (as Chris Boardman has noted) is that such failures...
How did you find the Planet X Titanium frames? You never see reviews of them anywhere, but they look good value.
I'd start even younger... (I actually think driving licences should need renewed after a period, whatever age)....
Good for them and cycling in general.
It's a topsey-turvey world some times:...