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Villagers hold birthday party for pothole - complete with cake

Residents of Plumtree in Nottinghamshire have been urging council to fix defect for two years

Residents of a village in Nottinghamshire have held a birthday, including a cake with candles, for a pothole that has gone unrepaired despite complaints being made about it to the local council for two years now.

Villagers in Plumtree have been asking Nottinghamshire County Council to fix the hole on Main Road, Plumtree, since at least March 2015, local resident Vonnie Daykin told Notts TV.

She publicised the lack of action by the council by placing a cake next to the pothole and posting a picture to the @PlumtreePeople account on Twitter.

The picture went viral after being picked up by various media outlets as well as getting highlighted by the broadcaster, Jeremy Vine, who wrote on Twitter: “In no other country would you get a birthday party for a pothole.”

Ms Daykin said: “I nearly put three candles on but I thought that might be pushing it.

“It’s dangerous for people who drive, and who cycle, because if you come to a pothole you have to swerve out in to the road which makes it unsafe for everyone.

“I last complained back in September or October time last year and they came and said they weren’t bad enough to fix.”

She added: “The main village road really wants re-doing from one end to the other. A good mend would help but it really wants replacing.

“I’ve lived around Plumtree all my life and the roads are definitely the worst they have been at the moment.”

The county council, which is responsible for the road, has been allocated £1.2 million of government money to repair potholes. It has referred the issue to its roads maintenance contractor, Via East Midlands.

The contractor told Notts TV: “We take the quality of highways surfaces in Nottinghamshire very seriously and use inspections to prioritise our planned maintenance works and make any critical repairs as needed.

“In this particular case, we inspect this road monthly as it is classed as a ‘C’ road and any defects that are considered a hazard are identified for repair.

“We have a number of enquiries recorded from this caller with each one resulting in an inspection.”

We’ve reported on a number of examples of people taking a creative approach to try and make highways authorities take action over potholes.

Perhaps the most notorious is a man in Greater Manchester who styled himself ‘Wanksy’ and painted penises on potholes to try and shame the local authority into repairing them.

> Penis paintings prompt pothole patch-up - starting in Ramsbottom

Cycling UK’s website and app enables people to report potholes directly to the relevant authority and also ranks them by how quickly they respond.

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matthewn5 | 7 years ago

Can't someone buy a bag of easy mix concrete and tip it in? That should sort it.

We have a government that is all set on building new roads, yet clearly can't afford to keep the roads we have in repair. That's surely madness by any normal definition.

stifflersmom | 7 years ago

The traffic direction would be useful too...if it heads up/down it looks like there is a wheel grabbing trench near the pothole.

Deeferdonk | 7 years ago
1 like

looks like a job for Wanksy.

Awavey | 7 years ago

We'll it looks like a Colin the Caterpillar cake (or at least a close copy),a cake so famous it has its own Wikipedia entry, though sadly no dimensions published, but it's at least a foot in length based on experience  4

Dnnnnnn | 7 years ago

Difficult to tell how big it is. Might be more than that dark part in the centre of the photo but it looks about 8cm wide and mightn't qualify for attention. Perhaps more likely there's a much wider sunken section around it but the photo doesn't make that obvious.

CygnusX1 replied to Dnnnnnn | 7 years ago
Duncann wrote:

Difficult to tell how big it is. Might be more than that dark part in the centre of the photo but it looks about 8cm wide and mightn't qualify for attention. Perhaps more likely there's a much wider sunken section around it but the photo doesn't make that obvious.

Given the cake is basically a swiss roll which are typically under a foot long that gives a sense of scale (unless it's a giant Colin the Caterpillar cake from M&S - serves 40!!)    

Either way, I can think of a few pot-holes round here that would swallow the cake whole.

Edit: dimensions for the giant Colin - H9 x W11 x L44cm - so about 18" long.

peted76 | 7 years ago

Many happy returns Main Road, Plumtree Pothole! 




Love from

all the Royal Leamington Spa potholes 


Man of Lard | 7 years ago
1 like

Just ask them if they've read section 56 of the Highways Act (1980)... 

They rarely ignore notices mentioning it. Top tips from​the Ramblers Association below. They care about footpaths mostly, but everything mentioned is equally applicable to the road.

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Call that a pothole?!? Where I live even the potholes have potholes.

brooksby replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago
Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Call that a pothole?!? Where I live even the potholes have potholes.

Well, when I were a kid, we'd have to dig our own potholes... Cyclists today: they don't know they're born!  3

brooksby | 7 years ago

The picture doesn't give any idea of scale: how big is the pothole? There are road defects I reported to Bristol city council five years ago which haven't ever been touched.

PaulBox replied to brooksby | 7 years ago
brooksby wrote:

The picture doesn't give any idea of scale: how big is the pothole?

The cake is 4 feet long, the candles are those normally used on the alter in the vatican, hope that helps.

brooksby wrote:

There are road defects I reported to Bristol city council five years ago which haven't ever been touched.

Have you reported them and bought them birthday cakes? They should be starting school by now...

ktache | 7 years ago

I tried to think of a cakey pun, but my head couldn't get past rocky road, which I found quite unsatisfying, so I was using that google thing and the search did that bit where it started typing road and it suggested roadkill, and this was in the images


Yes, there is a whole lot of roadkill cakes out there, give it a quick search, it's very funny.

Oh, no Mr Squirrel...

Butty | 7 years ago

The cake should have been stuffed in the hole as a ritual sacrifice.

It would last longer than the tarmac "repairs" I come across.

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