Every Friday we give you guys the opportunity to win a B'Twin 300 multi tool courtesy of the guys over at Decathlon. This week though, we're throwing some of our own schwag into the mix and offering our five favourite photos the chance to win some postage bags of goodies!
Inside these goodie bags will be a selection of gear which you can buy for yourselves over at the road.cc shop. The catch is, you'll be getting yours for free. So, expect some socks and stickers in the post, if you send us a worthy photo.
What's in a worthy photo, you might ask? Well, let's take a look back at some of our past favourites, and we'll explain to you what we loved about them:
We love atmosphere. We love it when you capture a unique cycling moment and send it our way. So shots like Instagram user eachann.gillies will always go down well.
Stunning landscapes are always a winner too. We know some of you live in some pretty awesome parts of the world, and some of you, like John Sanderson, have spent summers away in some beautiful places. Send us photos of your stunning scenery.
If your location isn't as epically endowed, don't fret, we're not all about size here at road.cc; not in terms of megapixels, mountains, or muscles. We love all cyclists, we love seeing you riding and having fun. Capturing a moment of joy or a really beautiful cycling memory is just as precious to us as a stunning overview of an alpine valley.
The weather is also a never ending well of great photo opportunities. If it's exceptionally warm, slip us a shot of you sweating your bibs off. If it's raining cats and dogs, grab a photo of you taking a brief moments shelter from the onslaught. If the weather's brutal - we're talking hey snow or hail - we want a photo of you toughing it out up an equally unforgiving climb
And finally, if you've got an exceptional group of riders who are your motivation and shoulder to lean on when things get tough out there, we want a photo of them. Group shots are great.
We think you've got the idea.
Remember, to be in with a chance of winning all you've got to do is ping a post on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter our way by including the #mycyclingweekend hashtag. It's really as easy as that.
Except, the earth isn't flat. It's a cube.
Black ice or avoiding a cyclist
Ahem, that would actually be two through lanes for the city traffic and two lanes that filter right onto Owlerton Green. This is a major junction...
Now I'm very afraid. If they're falling back on "but all drivers are trained and we have road laws" as a safety measure all bets are off. As far...
They'll go batshit when they find out what TNT Sports have done in U.K.
Sorry, I think you can only see this on Facebook, but absolutely brilliant: guy in a Range Rover has his vehicle seized for no insurance, his wife...
So which is the free one then? All the ones I can see in this list will cost.
Nice though that Ribble is, it's not a pro-team bike, is it? Got to love a bit of 90s Campagnolo, shame it's only a 50t, but I guess those Chiltern...
Agree, but again it's how to start to break the vicious circle?...
I'm either amazed that they can get through with (presumably) a full sized waste truck, or amazed that she could not. Although as you say the bin...