The Return Of The Big Red Ride in March 2014.....
Those who rode last years event will need no introduction to the Big Red Ride, but anyone new to cycling or to the area, may well be wondering what it's all about!
Well, its probably one of the area's biggest mass participation bike rides - its not a race - a sportive - a charity ride - a time trial or a club run either, its what's known as a reliability Trial, something that has been popular with clubs and individuals since the fifties!
Riders set off in groups of differing abilities with the aim of completing the pre-determined route within specified times - thus proving if they are 'reliable' or not.... Simple really ain't it?
The Mansfield Road Club aim to cater for everyone - a steady ride catering for those who want a leisurely ride through some of north Nottinghamshire's best cycling roads - an intermediate ride for those who want to step the pace up slightly but still want to enjoy a laugh and a chat en route and lastly, a level a tad brisker in nature for those riders who take their cycling a little more seriously than others!
Everyone is welcome to come along and join-in, individuals, clubs or teams. Any type of bike and any ability level too. The event headquarters for the third year, is the Lady Margaret Hall (between Worksop and Cuckney on the A60), in the historic Welbeck Estate, ancestral home of the Dukes of Portland. Where ample safe parking, changing rooms and refreshments will be available on the day.
The route is a real tour of some of the districts quietest cycling roads and lanes, passing through small historic villages and some really beautiful countryside. The route profile of the event is mostly flat to encourage less fit riders to join-in, but event regular cyclists may be surprised how some of the few inclines pop up out of nowhere at times!
Its a cycling challenge with something for everyone so please spread the word and lets have a day to remember - with all riders finishing wearing a smile and wanting to come back for more......
Email: michael.padley [at]
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