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Near Miss of the Day 515: Aggressive and abusive van driver gets the sack

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country

Today's video in our near Miss of the Day series resulted in the driver, who apparently had a history of reckless behaviour towards cyclists, getting sacked by the company he worked for.

"Let me start this one off by saying it’s good news with a positive ending," said reader Lyndon, who sent in the clip.

"A far cry from most incidents I find myself subjected to. Had a run in not but 500m from home in a 20mph school zone at 4:30pm a few weeks back.

"I was doing exactly 20mph, keeping to the middle of the lane at times to avoid parked cars. You can see a van overtake the car in front of him to then unroll his window to shout abuse at me, while coming within an arm’s reach of me.

"I was told to 'get off the road' and 'get in the cycle lane.' I contacted the business, to which they were fantastic. The owner was very apologetic and promised he would investigate and get back to me.

"He did, and it turns out the driver in question has done this before and had been disciplined and warned against doing so in the future.

"The company has since terminated the driver for his dangerous and reckless behaviour, and again apologised for his apparent anger.

"Such good news that small businesses like this take these incidents seriously. The owner was a real gent and sympathetic to what cyclists endure.

"Kudos to him and the company, they have my utmost respect. Let this serve as a positive post and a reminder there are good people looking out for us," Lyndon added.

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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wtjs | 4 years ago

I am suspicious this is a con-job by the company, although I may be over-cynical. Was the video clip provided to the company? If not, they're lying and the driver is still there. The complaint should always be made to the police, even when you know they're going to file it in the bin, as Lancashire Constabulary will probably do with this one where Mercedes Van ) LM09 LGM crashed through the lights almost 2 seconds after they turned red

grOg replied to wtjs | 4 years ago
1 like

Depends on the company.. I drive a van for a living and had a complaint about my driving made to my employer - no camera evidence or even specifics about my driving, just a mobile phone photo of the back of my van and a comment that I'm a terrible driver. My manager was asked to investigate and as it was obvious from the photo that the driver had illegally used their phone while driving, I asked my manager to refer the complaint to the police; my manager refused and I was found guilty of poor driving and warned that I would be sacked if I had another complaint about my driving in the next 12 months.

zero_trooper replied to grOg | 4 years ago

That's really poor management. Upholding a complaint with no further evidence 

EDIT: *a complaint you dispute …


Spokesperson replied to grOg | 4 years ago


Captain Badger replied to grOg | 4 years ago
grOg wrote:

Depends on the company.. I drive a van for a living and had a complaint about my driving made to my employer - no camera evidence or even specifics about my driving, just a mobile phone photo of the back of my van and a comment that I'm a terrible driver. My manager was asked to investigate and as it was obvious from the photo that the driver had illegally used their phone while driving, I asked my manager to refer the complaint to the police; my manager refused and I was found guilty of poor driving and warned that I would be sacked if I had another complaint about my driving in the next 12 months.

That's sh1t, well into grievance territory. Get yourself a member of a union, and seek advice. This should not be allowed to stand. Good luck dude

Philh68 | 4 years ago

I hope this behaviour was also reported to police and not just the company. The driver can be sacked, but without action that impacts on their ability to drive they're free to continue to drive for another employer, now with an even bigger chip on their shoulder since a cyclist cost them their job. It may have just made them more dangerous.

IanMK | 4 years ago

I went through a phase of contacting companies to report bad driving. In general the responses were good with companies saying they would try to identify the driver and "have a word". I never got any follow up reports, and I wouldn't really expect to. The trouble is it's difficult to tell real concern from PR. Maybe I should go back to doing it and make it a New Years resolution.

The only poor response was from DPD who told me that they couldn't identify a driver based on me giving them the exact road, date and time. This seems more than unlikely but is poor from them, because even if it was true a good quality system would collate this information as part of their KPIs. What it says is that they don't consider road safety to be a performance criteria or if they do their data only looks at more quantitative information (eg accidents, parking fines, speeding tickets).

Awavey replied to IanMK | 4 years ago

I tried that method for a while, as I feel its generally for the company to educate their staff representing them on the road, rather than trying to punish them.

But the majority just outright ignore me unfortunately, or try to fob me off with it will be followed up but we cant tell you anymore, but you are never sure if its just pr flannel to stop me hassling them.

So then I went for the right I wont give them that chance anymore and just let the police take it on instead, and the police response...just send letters, as its clearly too much hassle to try and identify the driver involved for a NIP.

sometimes you do feel youd have to knocked off and end up in hospital for it to be taken seriously, so its at least something if this company have dealt with it properly for once.

IanMK replied to Awavey | 4 years ago

Part of my rationale was if there was a serious accident caused by one of their drivers then I might be able to support any claim that they had a history of ignoring their responsibility to ensure road safety......but honestly who was I kidding.

Captain Badger | 4 years ago

Christ, overtook the other vehicle in a 20, just to have a go at you. Well done, and well done to the company. He deserved it- did you also put it into the police?

It's about time all 20 limits were made no-overtaking too, for my two penneth

Velo-drone | 4 years ago

Hmm, seems pretty similar to an incident i had recently with a van from a local plumbing company, although in that instance I got aneven closer pass and lot more abuse than this - including the driver getting out to tell me that if he saw me again he run me over.

When I called the company, they said "we can't supervise our drivers while they're on the road". Nice.

Now being investigated by the police. And I told the company that I would very much hold them responsible for how they responded to the incident. Since sharing the footage with them, have had precisely no further response - so you can look forward to seeing their business being prominently advertised in association with that footage once the investigation is concluded.

Shake replied to Velo-drone | 4 years ago

Hit the companies where it hurts, the reviews. If they are driving a company vehicle it's a reflection of the professionalism of the business.

AlsoSomniloquism | 4 years ago

Whilst I welcome the action, the fact the driver "has done this before and had been disciplined and warned against doing so in the future.". Done what? Abused cyclists whilst illegally driving or other things. Nasty dent in the side of the van for example. 

Rendel Harris | 4 years ago

Very impressed that the company took proper and appropriate action. I've pretty much given up asking companies to do anything as they always say they're dealing with it but can't tell me what they've done for data protection reasons - or like Jewson, when a lorry thundered out of the mist (5M visibility max) at me on Hartside pass and came so close that one of its straps hit me across the helmet, deny they had a lorry in the area at the time (this was in my pre camera days). Refreshing to see a company taking proper action.

Hirsute | 4 years ago

Wow. I was wondering when the van would appear...

That was really stupid driving.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Hirsute | 4 years ago

I was wondering the same, once you know and watch the footage you can also see he was speeding from someways back so wasn't even "held up" at the speed limit like the car behind. 

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