It's, erm, halloween! Okay, we're a bit late with this one, but it's time to announce the winners of our yearly mile-eating competition, the Metric Century Challenge. Ride 100km in every month of the year and you win a pair of socks! No, it's not worth the pain. But think of the glory.
Anyway, we've trawled through the lists of rides from this year and we're happy to announce that 18 people made it to the end of the contest! And, for posterity, those brave souls are:
Old Cranky
Patrick Davey
Well done to each of you, and we'll be contacting you to get a sock address soon.
Our overall winner this year, with a massive 95 points, is jameschurchie - that's an average of nearly 8 centuries a month for the whole year. Not bad, not bad. The highest monthly total goes to themartincox for 18 points amassed in July, which included three consecutive days of 500km+ to get to Poland. That's some undertaking. Biggest single ride was 618km by MCLK, which from the date looks to have been the 3 Coasts 600 Audax. Well done to each of them, and an extra prize will be winging its way to those winners.
MCC2014 will begin on 1 Jan 2014
So, because we've been a bit slack getting round to announcing the winners – and also because we've wanted to move it for a while – next year's Metric Century Challenge will be for the calendar year of 2014. So the clock starts ticking when you wake up on the sofa wearing one shoe, with silly string in your hair. We'll announce it properly then, too. Good luck!
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Anyone got their socks yet
How is this all validated? Couldn't people just, you know, fib?
They could.
But is it worth the sleepless nights, the lying, the endless fear of being found out... just for some argyle socks?
You could buy a pair instead.
Or nick some plain ones from TK Maxx.
Rules and rides posted here:
Informal discussion goes in this thread:
Have thought about trying this for a couple of years now, may give myself a talking-to before 1st January and go for it.
Could you not set a Strava "Challenge" for "club" members ? Naturally that would "only" allow Strava-tists to take part, but would make tracking progress super easy...
And no chance of a belated entry?
Didn't see the forum post for this but did the same on Bikeradar challenge, it's a great incentive on the harder/darker months. 'Worst' this time was a late October entry with a Regents Park 20lap commute home.
Will be getting involved in this next year for sure
I'm sure this is a stupid question, but is the idea to do rides totalling 100km each month, or at least one ride of 100km in each month?
It be the latter
Thank you
And great to hear your keeping it going for 2014
Forgot to fill it in after about july.
Good fun though.
Never (one day) to be replaced by some cleverdieck strava app.
Socks - Worth the pain and the glory, but what on earth will Mrs Twomonths buy me for Christmas now ?
Quick question... how did you enter?
There will be a forum topic called Metric Century. You post a message there detailing your rides, then edit it to update your progress throughout the year; or just when you drop out if you are like me.