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Trials ace Vittorio Brumotti is on Channel 4’s Unreported World tonight… because apparently he’s a mafia hunter

Fearless extreme cyclist also works as fearless mafia hunter

We tend to think of Vittorio Brumotti as the guy who makes us feel slightly sick by riding his bike along impossibly narrow edges next to massive great life-threatening drops. But apparently he’s also a mafia hunter.

No, really.

Tonight at 7.30pm on Channel 4, Unreported World sees Krishan Guru-Murthy follow Brumotti for a week as he chases the Italian mafia and tries to break down the omertà that protects them from police.

“He’s crazy and brave in equal measure,” says Guru-Murthy – an assessment that would seem accurate no matter which aspect of his professional life you’re talking about.

“I watch this video of you in the Grand Canyon, and I think this man is going to die,” Guru-Murthy tells the cyclist. “And I watch you taking on drug dealers in the streets, and I think this man is going to get shot. Are you sure it’s worth it?”

A video preview tweeted earlier sees Brumotti grabbed by his bike helmet and hauled off his bike (because obviously he’s on his bike) after he’s secretly filmed him selling cocaine and firearms.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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billymansell | 5 years ago

Having watched the programme I'm now more fearful for his life doing that than his bike stunts.

You do wonder how much the police have his back. Astonishing that despite the evidence of drugs and guns being traded no-one was arrested. Whose side are the police on?

Miller | 5 years ago

Respect. Here's hoping he survives both.

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