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HS2 offering “pathetic” commitment to cycle proof high speed rail line

Cycling UK says HS2 is “penny pinching” on costs of tunnels and bridges

Campaigners say that communities will be split and public funding wasted if HS2 Ltd fails to cater for pedestrians and cyclists on bridges and tunnels crossing the railway. HS2 Ltd said there was not enough money to cycle proof the first phase of the £56bn project and there are fears the same explanation will be given for the next phase.

The term ‘cycle proofing’ is used to describe the principle of ensuring that cycle-friendly provision is designed-in from the outset when planning or altering highways.

In 2014 the Government said that HS2 Ltd would discuss how to provide cycle friendly conditions in HS2-related highway works with its own advisory body, the Cycle Proofing Working Group (CPWG).

In 2017 those discussions involved the former telling the latter that it had no money to cycle proof any Phase 1 works.

Cycling UK have now received an assurance from HS2 Ltd offering only to “have due regard to the principles of the relevant up-to-date cycling standards and guidance” for phase 2a.

Speaking to the High Speed Rail (West Midlands – Crewe) Bill Select Committee, the charity said HS2 Ltd was reneging on its commitments.

Policy Director Roger Geffen said: “Offering vaguely to think about something HS2 Ltd should be doing anyway is pretty pathetic. If the Welsh Government and Transport for London can adopt good design standards, why can’t HS2 Ltd?”

Founder and former CEO of Sustrans, John Grimshaw, gave the example of Yarnfield Lane near Stone in Staffordshire where HS2’s current bridge design would exclude cycling despite there being an established route in place already. The new bridge would make it impossible for secondary school children and other locals to cycle safely between Yarnfield and Stone.

Following his committee appearance, Geffen said: “Cycling UK believes HS2 Ltd is reneging on the Government’s own commitments to cycle safety.  HS2 Ltd could be a model of best practice for cycle proofing. However, employing sub-standard cycle provision and penny pinching on the costs of tunnels and bridges means they’re on the opposite course.

“Cycling UK wants HS2 Ltd to adopt the excellent cycle design standards already in use in London and Wales, and we hope Ministers will support this.”

Before the meeting, Phil Jones of transport consultants PJA and a CPWG member, told the Guardian: “HS2 have treated the CPWG with contempt. They were supposed to engage with us, but the only engagement was turning up to two meetings, and making some vague statements with no further commitment to do anything.

“They made it clear they had no money [for cycling]. They said we could scrutinise their designs [for crossings] but didn’t provide them. This is the government’s advisory body; that’s what it’s there for.”

He added: “We are spending billions on HS2, and all it’s going to take to cycle proof it is crumbs. What the people along the West Midlands to Crewe corridor needs is for HS2 Ltd to deliver on the assurances it has already given.”

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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kitsunegari | 6 years ago

Once again the Government shows that it cannot be trusted with our money.


Absolutely criminal.

kitsunegari | 6 years ago

Once again the Government shows that it cannot be trusted with our money.


Absolutely criminal.

wycombewheeler | 6 years ago

perhaps they should just install bridges for bikes, horses and pedestrians only, they would save much more, if half the bridges excluded cars.

Biggus-Dickkus | 6 years ago

Apart from the colossal waste of money that HS2 is I sincerely hope that footpaths and bridle ways are going to be maintained as they cross all over the Colne valley right where the line is going.

Also if you think that is bad you should listen to the Radio 4 programme yesterday (18th July) about compulsory purchase in particular to HS2. I'm surprised there isn't a EU ruling that favours citizens rights on this. A total nightmare for anyone affected by this that will cost them thousands long before they will ever see any payment...


brooksby | 6 years ago

Given the amount of money sloshing around HS2, I have to admit I'm stunned that they claim not to have enough for any provision of cycling infrastructure to get across their shiny new rail lines.  I mean, even if they had built them, its not like they would have done them well, is it?  The board of HS2 probably spend more on a single meeting with associated drinks'n'nibbles than they'd ever intended to spend on cycling, I'd wager.

burtthebike | 6 years ago

This is exactly what happened when the tories brought in their pretend councils, or development corporations.  The one in Bristol planned nothing apart from a massive new road, from which cyclists would be discouraged by it being a fast dual carriageway with no cycling facilities.  But that was alright as there would be a totally segregated cycle facility on another parallel route.  Guess which one got built and which one they didn't have any money for.

That was twenty five years ago at least; depressing that we have learned absolutely nothing since then.

BehindTheBikesheds replied to burtthebike | 6 years ago

burtthebike wrote:

This is exactly what happened when the tories brought in their pretend councils, or development corporations.  The one in Bristol planned nothing apart from a massive new road, from which cyclists would be discouraged by it being a fast dual carriageway with no cycling facilities.  But that was alright as there would be a totally segregated cycle facility on another parallel route.  Guess which one got built and which one they didn't have any money for.

That was twenty five years ago at least; depressing that we have learned absolutely nothing since then.

Trust me, Labour councils are no better, not even slightly. In mhy home city the promised cycle lane for a bypass/road upgrade wasn't done, they're spending over a £100M on modernising the road that connects up to this and still no plans for a cycle lane and the solitary bridge in the city centre is primarily for walking. LABOUR (in power since year dot at local/national level) have cut off their noses in the city by ignoring solutions to the main problems, high pollution, high congestion, high KSI rates, ridiculously high obesity levels. They're all a bunch of lying , theiving, narrow-minded scumbag fucktards/

burtthebike replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago
1 like

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

burtthebike wrote:

This is exactly what happened when the tories brought in their pretend councils, or development corporations.  The one in Bristol planned nothing apart from a massive new road, from which cyclists would be discouraged by it being a fast dual carriageway with no cycling facilities.  But that was alright as there would be a totally segregated cycle facility on another parallel route.  Guess which one got built and which one they didn't have any money for.

That was twenty five years ago at least; depressing that we have learned absolutely nothing since then.

Trust me, Labour councils are no better, not even slightly. In mhy home city the promised cycle lane for a bypass/road upgrade wasn't done, they're spending over a £100M on modernising the road that connects up to this and still no plans for a cycle lane and the solitary bridge in the city centre is primarily for walking. LABOUR (in power since year dot at local/national level) have cut off their noses in the city by ignoring solutions to the main problems, high pollution, high congestion, high KSI rates, ridiculously high obesity levels. They're all a bunch of lying , theiving, narrow-minded scumbag fucktards/

You're right, and I was wrong to make it a party issue.  They're both as bad as each other, including the Lib-Dems, who were in charge of my local authority for a long time; they didn't give a flying f**k about their own policies either.

hawkinspeter replied to burtthebike | 6 years ago

burtthebike wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

burtthebike wrote:

This is exactly what happened when the tories brought in their pretend councils, or development corporations.  The one in Bristol planned nothing apart from a massive new road, from which cyclists would be discouraged by it being a fast dual carriageway with no cycling facilities.  But that was alright as there would be a totally segregated cycle facility on another parallel route.  Guess which one got built and which one they didn't have any money for.

That was twenty five years ago at least; depressing that we have learned absolutely nothing since then.

Trust me, Labour councils are no better, not even slightly. In mhy home city the promised cycle lane for a bypass/road upgrade wasn't done, they're spending over a £100M on modernising the road that connects up to this and still no plans for a cycle lane and the solitary bridge in the city centre is primarily for walking. LABOUR (in power since year dot at local/national level) have cut off their noses in the city by ignoring solutions to the main problems, high pollution, high congestion, high KSI rates, ridiculously high obesity levels. They're all a bunch of lying , theiving, narrow-minded scumbag fucktards/

You're right, and I was wrong to make it a party issue.  They're both as bad as each other, including the Lib-Dems, who were in charge of my local authority for a long time; they didn't give a flying f**k about their own policies either.

Aren't the Lib Dems just too concerned over whether or not gay sex is a sin? Too concerned to bother voting for example.

vonhelmet replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

burtthebike wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

burtthebike wrote:

This is exactly what happened when the tories brought in their pretend councils, or development corporations.  The one in Bristol planned nothing apart from a massive new road, from which cyclists would be discouraged by it being a fast dual carriageway with no cycling facilities.  But that was alright as there would be a totally segregated cycle facility on another parallel route.  Guess which one got built and which one they didn't have any money for.

That was twenty five years ago at least; depressing that we have learned absolutely nothing since then.

Trust me, Labour councils are no better, not even slightly. In mhy home city the promised cycle lane for a bypass/road upgrade wasn't done, they're spending over a £100M on modernising the road that connects up to this and still no plans for a cycle lane and the solitary bridge in the city centre is primarily for walking. LABOUR (in power since year dot at local/national level) have cut off their noses in the city by ignoring solutions to the main problems, high pollution, high congestion, high KSI rates, ridiculously high obesity levels. They're all a bunch of lying , theiving, narrow-minded scumbag fucktards/

You're right, and I was wrong to make it a party issue.  They're both as bad as each other, including the Lib-Dems, who were in charge of my local authority for a long time; they didn't give a flying f**k about their own policies either.

Aren't the Lib Dems just too concerned over whether or not gay sex is a sin? Too concerned to bother voting for example.

One Lib Dem, although given the current number of MPs they have I suppose that’s quite a significant proportion.

brooksby | 6 years ago

So, like when inner urban areas got cut in half by new urban motorways in the seventies, meaning the people who lived on one side of a community couldn't easily get to the other side, they've now decided to do it to the whole country...?  

hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

Let's hope that Cycling UK's challenge has some success:

Mungecrundle | 6 years ago

I would not be surprised to find that bats and badgers (lovely though they are) get more consideration for crossing points than will pedestrians, cyclists, horseists and other non motorised people.

Still, as long as we get some decent places along the line from where we can wave enthusiastically at MPs and their Lordships as they use this splendid new railway to whizz past on their way to London 20 minutes quicker so that they can get to the taxpayer funded Westminster trough for extra drinkies and a bite to eat before a busy afternoon filling in their expense claims for the journey.

MonkeyPuzzle | 6 years ago

I'd forgotten about this collosal waste of money entirely. Going as expected I see.

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