Two men have been charged in relation to alleged attacks on cyclists at last year’s Tour O’ The Borders sportive in Peebleshire.
Following the event last September, a number of cyclists said that they had been confronted by men who blocked the road and hit some riders with sticks.
Subsequently, a local farmer claimed that he and three friends had decided to protest against the event because of road closures associated with it, among other things.
A spokesperson from Police Scotland, quoted in the Border Telegraph, said: "Two men, aged 60 and 71, have been charged in connection with an incident at the Tour o’ the Borders cycle sportive on September 3, 2017.
"A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal."
The specific offence(s) with which the men have been charged were not disclosed. Neil Dalgleish, the director of Hillside Outside which organises the event said, “It’s a relief to see that action is being taken - no-one should ever be subjected to threats or attacks of this nature.
"We provide numerous opportunities for local residents and businesses to voice any concerns and so it should never have come to this.”
This year's edition takes place on 2 September and Dalgleish added: “It’s one of the most beautiful routes in the country, in an area which makes a point of welcoming cyclists to our many miles of empty roads and tracks.
“This incident was an embarrassment for the area – the Scottish Borders is a very cycle-friendly region, so we all hope justice is seen to be done.”
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