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Video: Would-be thief tries to snatch bike from moving car in South London

Attempted theft happened on Tower Bridge Road on Sunday afternoon

A would-be bike thief in London was filmed this weekend in one of the most brazen attempts we’ve ever seen to steal a bicycle – given it was attached to a moving car.

The attempted theft happened on Sunday afternoon on Tower Bridge Road, with the bike’s owner, Musa, being given a lift home by his girlfriend Chloe after taking part in the London Revolution, reports Mail Online.

The thief, himself riding a bike, twice loosens the fastenings securing the Mekk Primo bike to the car’s rear rack.

Chloe told the newspaper: “Musa is doing the London Revolution bike ride this weekend, so he'd just finished 80 odd miles that day.

“I picked him up from Lee Valley and we were driving down Tower Bridge Road.

'There were quite a lot of traffic lights so we kept stopping and starting.

“When I noticed a guy cycling along behind me, I thought he was a bit close to the back of the car.

“But I just thought he was being silly - because if I had to brake, then he was going to hit me.

“I thought: well he can do what he likes - he's only putting himself in danger.

“The next thing I knew, we were at the last set of lights before you accelerate onto the dual carriageway, and I heard a beep from the car behind us.

“As I looked into my rear view mirror, that's when I saw the cyclist twiddling the top fastening of the bike. Just then, the light went green so I started to accelerate.

“From what I could see, the bike was still attached - so I decided to carry on because I knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with the car.”

The man dropped his own bike and ran after the car as it approached the Old Kent Road roundabout in a final, desperate bid to steal Musa’s Mekk.

“He tried to chase us for quite a while before giving up,” said Chloe. “Then, once we'd got a few hundred yards down the road, I pulled over because I could see the bike was slipping.

“I think he'd been watching from somewhere - probably because he knew there were a lot of traffic lights and I'd probably have to stop,” she continued.

The footage has been sent to the police, and Chloe added: “The focus for us is to try and catch the guy - but we also want to warn other cyclists and car owners to be vigilant.

“Musa has a lot of cycling friends who would be similarly gutted if their racing bikes were to be stolen.”

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timclarkih | 7 years ago

serious question. I have never used car bike racks, really ... do these not have locking devices built in. Is that the same with roof racks? 

Skylark | 7 years ago

A keen cyclist.

700c | 7 years ago

..which is why I drive an estate car.

Colin Peyresourde | 7 years ago


"He touched your bike......"


Priceless. The thief really looks like he after skag to be fair.

Stubuoy | 7 years ago

Another setup video.

who is so worried about the world today they purchase a rear facing video camera for their car but doesnt lock their biketo the bike rack..................? 


Yorkshire wallet replied to Stubuoy | 7 years ago

Stubuoy wrote:

Another setup video.

who is so worried about the world today they purchase a rear facing video camera for their car but doesnt lock their biketo the bike rack..................? 


Wouldn't surprise me. It's all about those viral $$$ these days. They probably brainstorm all day to come up with stuff that will cause everyone to get on the outrage bus. 

brooksby replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Stubuoy wrote:

Another setup video.

who is so worried about the world today they purchase a rear facing video camera for their car but doesnt lock their biketo the bike rack..................? 


Wouldn't surprise me. It's all about those viral $$$ these days. They probably brainstorm all day to come up with stuff that will cause everyone to get on the outrage bus. 

Could be, but I'm beginning to wonder what it will take for questions over "fake news" / prank video *not* to be raised nowadays. I think we're becoming terminally cynical/suspicious, as a society. The death of history will happen not because people will believe anything, but because they'll believe nothing. Erm: IMO.

LastBoyScout | 7 years ago

Another reason I prefer roof-mounted carriers smiley

BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

I keep a robust metal shafted pen in the cubby hole next the handbrake for such occasions as this, one of the best 'weapons' for in close work you can legally carry.

How typical though of the driver behind doing absolutely fack-all to make the victims be aware of what was happening, society really is down the shitter far far too often!

griggers | 7 years ago

Rear view mirror?

crazy-legs replied to griggers | 7 years ago

griggers wrote:

Rear view mirror?

If the back of the car was piled high with bags etc, the driver/passenger may not have noticed. Car behind hooting could be anything so they may not have been craning their necks round to find out what it was.

If it was my car and I'd ahve seen it happening, I'd have accelerated to a speed the guy could just about keep up with then slammed the brakes on and hit reverse.

"terribly sorry officer, a cat ran into the road and I had to brake hard. reverse? no, must be mistaken, he ended up underneath the car like that"

ChainedToTheWheel | 7 years ago

"Hey, you wanna buy a cheap bike, innit? I took it up Ventoux, right, but now I want sumfin more aero like, innit?"

kitsunegari | 7 years ago

The police, as usual, won't give a shit.

Lesson learned hopefully to the bike owner though - I never put my bikes on the rack without a couple of locks. A long cable for the wheels, and a D-Lock to the rack.

jds_1981 | 7 years ago

No one else notice that this guy appeared to have a buddy?

hampsoc replied to jds_1981 | 7 years ago

jds_1981 wrote:

No one else notice that this guy appeared to have a buddy?

Good spot!

Christopher TR1 | 7 years ago

Something about his appearance. He just looks like a retard scum piece of worthless shite, even before his thieving fingers start going about their evil business. This creature needs to be deleted from the gene pool!

SNS1938 | 7 years ago

I mostly lock my bikes to my Thule racks, but will make sure I do 100% of the time now. What a douche.

don simon fbpe | 7 years ago

Sort that bloody saddle out, nose is definitely pointing too far north!

SingleSpeed | 7 years ago

I still don't get why at no point did the driver not get out and confront him

Rider X replied to SingleSpeed | 7 years ago

SingleSpeed wrote:

I still don't get why at no point did the driver not get out and confront him

Perhaps because getting a knife in the gut is not worth making a point to someone who isn't going  listen?

SingleSpeed replied to Rider X | 7 years ago
1 like

Rider X wrote:

Perhaps because getting a knife in the gut is not worth making a point to someone who isn't going  listen?


Guess they just don't make 'em like they used to, or Londoners are cut from a different cloth from a scouser but that lanky streak of piss would have been on the deck before he could have said boo to a goose if that was my bike!

davel replied to SingleSpeed | 7 years ago
SingleSpeed wrote:

Rider X wrote:

Perhaps because getting a knife in the gut is not worth making a point to someone who isn't going  listen?


Guess they just don't make 'em like they used to, or Londoners are cut from a different cloth from a scouser but that lanky streak of piss would have been on the deck before he could have said boo to a goose if that was my bike!

With Bad to the Bone playing on your car radio and a convertible-load of underwear models coming over and giving you their numbers cos of how macho you are.

Yeah, it's easy on the Internet, eh?

vonhelmet replied to SingleSpeed | 7 years ago

SingleSpeed wrote:

I still don't get why at no point did the driver not get out and confront him

Judging by the voices the lady in the car only noticed in the last ten seconds or so, by which point they'd driven off.

Sub5orange | 7 years ago
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Looks quite out of breath chasing  after the car. Lol. Love how the person in the car behind did not even beeb. Was probably too busy on his Mobile. I think  I would have been tempted to run over the thug's bike but that probably does not belong to him neither ....

Critchio | 7 years ago

He'll get a small a fine at court that he can't pay because he doesn't work and a community order to do unpaid work which he will fail to turn up for. Nevermind his 73 previous convictions, social pressures caused him to stray from the path bless him.

I would have shot him in the head. One less scumbag for the rest of us to keep. Ok I wouldn't have shot him. Because I don't have a gun.

srchar replied to Critchio | 7 years ago

Critchio wrote:

He'll get a small a fine at court that he can't pay because he doesn't work and a community order to do unpaid work which he will fail to turn up for.

This. I had a bike nicked in broad daylight from under the giant screen in Canary Wharf. They used a car jack to break the D-lock. Luckily, a policeman spotted the 5'4 thief riding a 60cm road bike down Poplar high street in jeans and trainers and gave chase. I got my bike back after it had been crashed causing £400 of damage. For some reason the court decided the thief should pay half of this. Did I ever see that £200? Did I fuck.

ChrisB200SX | 7 years ago

Shame he didn't fall off his own bike and smash his face into the tarmac.

Kinda wish someone would have stolen his bike while he was running after the better one.

Awavey replied to ChrisB200SX | 7 years ago
ChrisB200SX wrote:

Shame he didn't fall off his own bike and smash his face into the tarmac.

Kinda wish someone would have stolen his bike while he was running after the better one.

You assume it was 'his' bike he was riding in the first place...

Gourmet Shot | 7 years ago

lols.....I admire his determination.

If I was the car behind I defo would have driven over his wheel, buckling it for good.



StuInNorway | 7 years ago
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I'd have gone slow to see how long it took him to realise he wasn't going to succeed as my bike rack has locking clamps for all bikes, and a locking clamp to the towball. It would also mean he'd failed to spot the backup (and discretely located) thick cable-lock low down on the frames.


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