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Police appeal to track down cyclist suspected of assaulting Bristol motorist

Group of cyclists stopped in front of a car before one punched the driver

Police have released a photo of a cyclist who has been accused of punching a motorist in Bristol. The incident took place at around 10am on June 8 on Winterstoke Road.

According to police, a group of cyclists stopped suddenly in front of a car, forcing the driver to stop. One shouted abuse and punched the car before reaching in and punching the driver in the face and shoulder.

Police want to speak to the cyclist in connection with their inquiries and have released the photograph above.

Anyone with information is asked to get in touch on 101, quoting crime reference number 5216124784.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

I love this site sometimes laugh


Like the guys above said, the cyclist they're looking for is most likely to get spotted by his gear or Strava activity if he uploaded it. Though I'm guessing he's deleted it by now to make sure no-one snooped on him. 


The cyclist in question will likely take a different route for a while too and have deleted any photos on social media that shows his tattoos. 


Could be tricky to find him.

Russell Orgazoid | 8 years ago

Fuck the driver.

brooksby replied to Russell Orgazoid | 8 years ago

Plasterer's Radio wrote:

Fuck the driver.

Now, don't repress your feelings: say what you really mean...

Ush | 8 years ago

I hope they get zero response to this.

Also, what is coming to? *wrings hands* All this negative news about cycling and now we are all invited to become police snitches.

hawkinspeter | 8 years ago

We (cyclists as a community) shouldn't condone violence on the roads. But, we don't really form a community, so I'm quite happy to smile about this and think about how many times I've wanted to give a motorist a slap in the heat of the moment (never have though). If I spot this guy in Bristol, I'd be more likely to shake his hand than turn him in.

JeevesBath replied to hawkinspeter | 8 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

We (cyclists as a community) shouldn't condone violence on the roads. But, we don't really form a community, so I'm quite happy to smile about this and think about how many times I've wanted to give a motorist a slap in the heat of the moment (never have though). If I spot this guy in Bristol, I'd be more likely to shake his hand than turn him in.

Personally, I always visualise the scene from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells where Vinnie Jones smashes someone's head repeatedly in the car door. "Never ever...ever...". Probably not as intimidating if he was wearing lycra though. 

Gus T | 8 years ago

That looks like me, but who's superimposed that kit on my body.  Shame I've never been to Bristol but it definately is my doppleganger.

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Someone thought he was safe in his pram, acting like a baby, and got caught out. 


Or maybe yeah, a group of cyclists were just riding around and picked on poor old him at random.

Housecathst | 8 years ago

Is it wrong of me to be glad to read a story where the driver is on the end of a punch rather than the cyclist. It makes a refreshing change. 

Mungecrundle replied to Housecathst | 8 years ago

Housecathst wrote:

Is it wrong of me to be glad to read a story where the driver is on the end of a punch rather than the cyclist. It makes a refreshing change. 


Year, yes it is very wrong of you. If you condone vigilante violence against 1 group, then you condone it against all.

And yes I did earlier post an idle speculation about the consequences of accidentally setting fire to a killer driver's car and I embrace my hypocrisy in calling you out on this.

Housecathst replied to Mungecrundle | 8 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

Housecathst wrote:

Is it wrong of me to be glad to read a story where the driver is on the end of a punch rather than the cyclist. It makes a refreshing change. 


Year, yes it is very wrong of you. If you condone vigilante violence against 1 group, then you condone it against all.

And yes I did earlier post an idle speculation about the consequences of accidentally setting fire to a killer driver's car and I embrace my hypocrisy in calling you out on this.

don't fret, give it 5 mintues there'll be another story about a white van driver giving a cyclist a slap to redress the balance, it's much better when the cyclist is the victim isn't it. 

1750nick | 8 years ago

...rider found guilty and sentenced to 8 years in prison and a £4000 victim surcharge for their scratches!

Initialised | 8 years ago

If I were that cyclist and I read this article I'd be putting the jersey and shorts at the back of the cupboard for a year or two, losing the phone case and deleting the ride before it gets uploaded...

Ush replied to Initialised | 8 years ago
Initialised wrote:

If I were that cyclist and I read this article I'd be putting the jersey and shorts at the back of the cupboard for a year or two, losing the phone case and deleting the ride before it gets uploaded...

Note to self: wear inconspicuous cycling clothes.

bike_food | 8 years ago

Driver pulls shitty move on cyclists & drives off.

Driver has to stop at traffic lights.

Cyclist catches up with driver and punches him.

Driver drives past cyclist while using phone & takes photo before scurrying off.

Drive makes up story & tells on cyclist.

oldstrath replied to bike_food | 8 years ago

bike_food wrote:

Driver pulls shitty move on cyclists & drives off.

Driver has to stop at traffic lights.

Cyclist catches up with driver and punches him.

Driver drives past cyclist while using phone & takes photo before scurrying off.

Drive makes up story & tells on cyclist.

Probably something like that, and I wonder why the story isn't full of 'allegedly' and 'claimed'.


Also looking forward to the lawyers telling us how much worse this is than "accidentally" killing someone with a car.

muffies replied to bike_food | 8 years ago

bike_food wrote:

Driver pulls shitty move on cyclists & drives off.

Driver has to stop at traffic lights.

Cyclist catches up with driver and punches him.

Driver drives past cyclist while using phone & takes photo before scurrying off.

Drive makes up story & tells on cyclist.

Sadly that sounds quite probable. How else would they snap a picture of the cyclist when hes calmly riding. How else there would be nothing else on the picture. And so on.

Not that the rider should punch the driver of course.

oldstrath | 8 years ago

Really, they just stopped in front of some random car and started thumping the completely innocent driver? With no provocation at all? 

Anyway, it was probably just a moment of inattention. Careless use of the hands,  I'm sure he'll be deeply saddened for ever by his carelessness.

Jackson | 8 years ago

Looks a bit like a London cabbie on a bike... possible False Flag attack?


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