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Colnago accused of sexism over social media posts

Italian bike maker's picture shoes shoeless model with bike that is far too big for her...

Italian bicycle brand Colnago has been accused of sexism after posting a photo to its social media accounts at the weekend showing a young woman, pictured from behind, leaning over one of its bikes.

The picture of the woman – who for some reason isn’t wearing shoes – was posted to Facebook on Saturday, with the caption: “Do you thought about where to ride this weekend? Or take the bike and go. Let us know your route, share your comments below.”

It was also posted to Twitter with a briefer caption, one with an unmistakable double entendre.

Colnago certainly got comments – 145 of them on Facebook at the latest count – and while some were from men and laden with innuendo, many criticised the company for using the image.

One Facebook user, Sabrina Forbes, said: “As a woman cyclists and a former elite racer I will never buy one of your bikes! This is NOT the way to advertise your bikes or help promote women's cycling!”

Another, Margo Hanson, commented: “Now that you mention it, I'd like to ride my bike to your marketing department and punch them in the face, but I can't make it to Italy. So I guess you're safe this time!”

Despite calls on Colnago to take the picture down, the post remains on Facebook and there have also been claims that the company has blocked users who complained about it.

Meredith Rainbow said in a comment: “Seriously, Colnago? This is still up? And you blocked Natalia Mendez for calling out your bullshit?

“First, you messed up by posting this misogynistic ridiculousness, now you make it worse with a piss-poor response. Just want to remind you of all the progressive, awesome cyclists (with disposable income) who will no longer consider purchasing from you. Ciao!”

Some users pointed out that the frame is much too big for the model, while Erin Young noted: “Thanks for being sexist pigs! Also the valve stems aren't in the same position.”

Meanwhile, Matt Rohr posted a picture of the Wiggle Honda team, which rides Colnago bikes, and asked: “Hey Colnago. Is this what you would show to these women? Show the best way you can promote women's cycling, by supporting women like this and not by posting degrading content about them.”

The picture was also posted to Twitter where it has attracted similar comments, with Reluctant Cyclist saying: “is that photo really the best you could come up with to illustrate a woman cyclist? #everydaysexism.”

East Yorkshire CTC tweeted: “Hey @Colnagoworld - AmazonPrime & the 1950s just called. They'd like Jeremy Clarkson back. (The bike you can keep.)”

Twitter user JD West meanwhile retweeted another picture from Colnago that showed a woman, dressed casually and not wearing cycling kit, crouching over a track pump with the caption, “need help?”

In an age when consumers can give companies and organisations instant feedback through social media, some will feel that Colnago has badly misjudged the mood of many of its potential customers - although its far from the first company in cycling to have been accused of sexism.

One such example came earlier this year when organisers of the E3 Harelbeke race in Belgium pulled a poster that had attracted criticism for being sexist and demeaning to women, with the UCI saying it was "extremely unhappy" with it.

- Sexist E3 Harelbeke poster to be pulled after UCI steps in

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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arfa | 8 years ago

Please forgive my total indifference to the image: don't like what you see, move on. As far as I am aware, no one has been exploited and the woman in the picture was freely paid for her time and work, that to me is consensual but to describe it as outrageous and misogynistic is I am afraid projecting your own prejudices on to the image. Outrageous and misogynistic ? If that's your starting point I think you should be looking at forced marriage and FGM as stronger candidates for your campaigning.

KiwiMike replied to arfa | 8 years ago
1 like
arfa wrote:

Please forgive my total indifference to the image: don't like what you see, move on. As far as I am aware, no one has been exploited and the woman in the picture was freely paid for her time and work, that to me is consensual but to describe it as outrageous and misogynistic is I am afraid projecting your own prejudices on to the image. Outrageous and misogynistic ? If that's your starting point I think you should be looking at forced marriage and FGM as stronger candidates for your campaigning.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where their bodies aren't mere objects to dress up bikes. Reasonable people see through the reprehensibly dismissive BS people like you use ('don't like what you see? move on') to condone the misogynistic status quo. You are the problem with women's cycling and with women's sport promotion in general. FGM and forced marriage are the extreme end of a spectrum that starts with 'Phwoar look at the pair on that'. It's not either/or, FFS. It all hurts, and particularly when girls are young and insecure. Anything and anyone that seeks to actively or subconsciously subjugate my daughters simply because their genitalia differs from men's can Get In The Fucking Sea.


...and no, you don't get to bleat that you didn't mean any of the above and that it's my fault for seeing it that way. Man up and stop treating women like shit.

Cyclosis replied to KiwiMike | 8 years ago
KiwiMike wrote:
arfa wrote:

Please forgive my total indifference to the image: don't like what you see, move on. As far as I am aware, no one has been exploited and the woman in the picture was freely paid for her time and work, that to me is consensual but to describe it as outrageous and misogynistic is I am afraid projecting your own prejudices on to the image. Outrageous and misogynistic ? If that's your starting point I think you should be looking at forced marriage and FGM as stronger candidates for your campaigning.

I want my daughters to grow up in a world where their bodies aren't mere objects to dress up bikes. Reasonable people see through the reprehensibly dismissive BS people like you use ('don't like what you see? move on') to condone the misogynistic status quo. You are the problem with women's cycling and with women's sport promotion in general. FGM and forced marriage are the extreme end of a spectrum that starts with 'Phwoar look at the pair on that'. It's not either/or, FFS. It all hurts, and particularly when girls are young and insecure. Anything and anyone that seeks to actively or subconsciously subjugate my daughters simply because their genitalia differs from men's can Get In The Fucking Sea.


...and no, you don't get to bleat that you didn't mean any of the above and that it's my fault for seeing it that way. Man up and stop treating women like shit.


^^^^ This!

Stop treating women as sexual tokens or Get In The Fucking Sea.

MattCartwright | 8 years ago

As always, being offended is fine, just don't think it gives you the right to anything. It was dumb and people called them on it. Over.

I swear most of the guys posting outrage on this topic are just trying to prove to their girlfriends how evolved they are....with the faint hope of getting know who you are. 

Jamminatrix | 8 years ago

So many people forget what real sexism is.

Cyclosis replied to Jamminatrix | 8 years ago
Jamminatrix wrote:

So many people forget what real sexism is.

Perhaps you could remind us what *real* sexism is?

tom_w | 8 years ago
birzzles | 8 years ago

long live Colnago.  Thank God for Italians.  If 200,000 people take professional offence against something on the internet, it doesnt matter, if that is a small fraction of those who see it.

jasonbrim | 8 years ago

No one has mentioned the way Assos advertise women's clothes yet!

don simon fbpe replied to jasonbrim | 8 years ago
jasonbrim wrote:

No one has mentioned the way Assos advertise women's clothes yet!


Don't they have an equally,  scantilly clad bloke on offer as eye candy for the ladies too? Look at me assuming that male aye candy is only for the ladies and vice versa. Sorry.


JorgeSilva replied to jasonbrim | 8 years ago
jasonbrim wrote:

No one has mentioned the way Assos advertise women's clothes yet!

The same way they advertise the men section.

Cyclosis replied to JorgeSilva | 8 years ago
JorgeSilva wrote:
jasonbrim wrote:

No one has mentioned the way Assos advertise women's clothes yet!

The same way they advertise the men section.


Still doesn't mean it's not sexist. 

They way they portay men is embarassing, and the way they use women is why I refuse to buy their products.

DavidC | 8 years ago

"who for some reason isn’t wearing shoes" Probably the photographer expected this photo to be cropped or otherwise edited.


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