Quite what the commuters on the Bristol-Bath Railway Path are going to make of being accosted by a tweed-clad alien called Cornelius this coming Thursday 29th April we're not sure, but charity Sustrans has organized it anyway in celebration of 15 years of the National Cycle Network. If he survives Bristol, he'll be travelling the next day Friday April 30th to Birmingham and then to Cardiff on Saturday May 1st.
The time-travelling alien is set to quiz walkers and cyclists about the National Cycle Network’s ever growing popularity and report on his blog.
According to Sustrans, "Cornelius has just landed on Earth and will ride through stretches of the Network in Bristol next Thursday April 29th in his mobile bicycle cinema.
Walkers and cyclists who meet Cornelius along his journey will be invited inside his cinema to answer questions on why they choose to travel on foot or by bike.
The dapper one-eyed alien with a twirly moustache is the brainchild of Bristol film company Rubberductions, which has teamed up with Sustrans to help mark the charity’s 15th anniversary of its flagship project.
Rubberductions Director Matt Golding said: “Cornelius is a quirky little chap who I’m sure will appeal to both adults and children. We wanted to create an engaging character that will be fun for people to meet and bring a smile to their faces as they talk about what the National Cycle Network means to them.”
Sustrans is also working with Bristol bike company Bikebeard to create specially adapted transport for Cornelius, based on an old-fashioned advertising bicycle with canvas sides.
Everyone who takes part in an interview with the inquisitive alien will help compile a Rubberductions film about the National Cycle Network’s benefits. The two-minute film will be used to launch a movie competition for people to explain why they enjoy using the Network.
Cornelius will travel along the Bristol and Bath path from Eastville into the city centre before sampling the so-called Chocolate Path alongside Coronation Road towards the Create Centre. The alien will then continue his adventures in Birmingham on April 30 and Cardiff on May 1.
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