A cycle-friendly facility is to open in Stockton-on-Tees to encourage more people to use their bikes or walk.
'The Hub' will open on March 16 in Bridge Road, Stockton, following a Lottery-funded project set up by sustainable transport charity Sustrans in partnership with Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and the local Primary Care Trust.
The Hub will be officially opened by Sustrans’ Chief Executive, Malcolm Shepherd, along with Ruth Hill from the Primary Care Trust and Councillor Bob Cook, Stockton Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport.
Neil Mitchell, Sustrans manager, said: “The Hub will provide an excellent facility to help the Stockton community to get around in healthy and more environmentally friendly ways.
“People of all ages will be invited to use The Hub as a safe and secure place to park their bicycles for free. The Stockton Active Travel team will also be on hand from Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 6pm to offer members of the public advice on walking and cycling routes in the local area including free maps, and there will be a series of cycle maintenance classes on offer. We hope to be running a number of schemes in the future such as a ‘bike buddy’ scheme as well as a number of guided rides and walks around the Stockton area.
“Walking and cycling are such healthy, convenient and cost-effective forms of travel, and they are the easiest ways to help people achieve the daily recommended 30 minutes of activity to benefit their health.”
Throughout the afternoon of The Hub’s official opening, people are invited to visit the facility and be shown around by member of staff and volunteers.
For more information on Stockton Active Travel visit www.sustrans.org.uk/activetravel
Tried to like this and got 'threaded ' comments instead.
Thanks for the insurance explanation, it's a bit of a sly headline calling the driver uninsured if 3rd party claims are dealt with differently in NZ.
Counter argument is that if the problem is crap infra (cycle lanes, shared space, ASLs...) the fix is "proper infra". But in the UK it it's often...
Wouldn't they just charge your credit card rather than insist on a direct debit? And the cardholder's address is not shared with the merchant by...
To be fair, he'd only be riding in a cycle lane where it wasn't a bus lane, a side road or a junction. Cycle lanes always vanish when one of those...
I thought that was obvious when you wrote rule 28 which is clearly part of 'the rules'. Section 28 is not a rule but a piece of legislation hence...
Remember, any driver flashing headlights for you to proceed should be assumed to be a crash for cash scam. ...
This is just a joke certainly in any tvp area they can't even police themselves let alone anything else all their interested in is fineing...
last time I went a few years ago seat tickets gave you access to the central area, yes.
I think many motorists would be shocked how much, what essentially is theft insurance, is for bicycles. Though mostly for the priciest, the cheaper...