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For sale

Hi, before we list it on eBay, is anyone interested in mu brother in law's 55cm Ribble SL bike, mainly Ultegra (105 pedals), 172.5mm cranks, Deda bars and stem, Mavic Ksyrium Elite UST wheels, Grand Prix 4000 tyres.  All excellent condition, hardly used, needs a quick sale because of losing his job.  Any interest please let me know, more details and pictures if you email me at stephen.bulpitt [at]

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Welsh boy | 1 year ago

Thanks all, I will get it on eBay tomorrow if the discounted listing is still available 

Rendel Harris | 1 year ago

If no interest here try Gumtree and FB Marketplace first for a few days if you can spare the time, as it sounds as though getting as much money as possible is paramount and eBay really do take a big cut, something I'd forgotten until I sold some S-Works carbon handlebars I no longer needed on there two weeks ago, sold for £90, received £78.

The Accountant replied to Rendel Harris | 1 year ago
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Which is why you should take advantage of the eBay fees offers. When I log into eBay today I see an 80% off fees offer, which will take the pain away from selling there.

In my experience you'll get the best price and the fewest scammers (although they are still out there) on eBay, vs FB Marketplace (haven't used Gumtree but haven't heard many good things said about it).

If your brother in law is a member of a local cycling club I'd recommend mentioning it to them too as someone might be in the market for a bike.

The Accountant | 1 year ago
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Stick it on eBay, I have an 80% off fees offer this weekend try to get it on there if it's available to you.

Second hand bike prices aren't fetching as much as they were a few months back.

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