Just thought I'd post what is becoming my regular rant at the state of policing in this country.
Riding through Tottenham yesterday, minding my own business, empty road. Got punishment passed, but didn't react (this is Tottenham after all). When there was no reaction, the driver slowed down so I caught them up, drew alongside and begin swerving at me, then wound the passenger window down, shouted "acid!" and squirted what turned out to be water at me.
He turned off the road into an estate; I continued, then did a U-turn to see if I could spot the car. I soon found the car and just saw the back of the driver disappearing into a house. So, I called the police. I told them what had happened, gave them the VRN, description of car, description of driver and his current location expecting them to say, "excellent sir, we'll send a unit out right now." Instead, I got "sorry, they won't send anyone" from the dispatcher, and was then transferred to the "digital reporting unit" who weren't interested in catching the assialant either.
However, ride at walking pace through a town centre and some officious prat will slap a hundred quid fine on you.
Honestly, f*ck the useless c*nts who "run" this country.
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The Met are obsessed with gaining the respect of people who will never, ever respect the police, while ignoring the needs of those who would love to have a police force worthy of respect.
They are now at the only point they can logically reach with such an approach - the point where nobody respects them.
This is because you are an easy arrest and it would be no bother to get you. It's mirrored if you read the local papers. Some 'unfortunate' from the bad estates will get a solicitor to tell the magistrates that they really aren't responsible because 'society'. You meanwhile, know better. You are educated and have a job, you know crime is wrong, you will be punished!
Fear not, for this is the Met Police's vision:
"The world's best organisations succeed because they are inspired by a strong vision. To make the scale of our ambition clear, the Met's vision is to:
Make London the safest global city
Be the best crimefighters, by any measure
Earn the trust and confidence of every community
Take pride in the quality of our service
So that people love, respect and are proud of London's Met"
I'm not quite sure what a global city is. I thought London (and the Met) had some rather more local geographic boundaries. Some Russians came all the way to Salisbury just to look at its cathedral. Does that make Salisbury a global city?
Any measure? Really?
Earn the trust and confidence of every community? Not sure about that one either.
Pride in the quality? I think my dog is very proud of a minging old cuddly toy. He goes and gets it and shows it to me when I come home.
I was recently assaulted (ABH) on a shared use path by some nutter who has it in for cyclists. There was a clear video of the suspect, and the suspect is always seen at the same time and the same place. Whilst this information was reported to the police, they haven't bothered to actually send someone out to look for this suspect
That's an excellent point Munge, but luckily the police in that area are under-resourced and won't, err, I mean wouldn't, have time to investigate.
Well that escalated quickly. Thanks, Legs, I get it now - Lammy isn't left wing enough. I expect that anyone right of Marx is a far right nutter in your book. I thought we riders of bicycles had learned by now that labels aren't helpful.
Thanks for the insight Durandal.
Very bad move to call the Police and leave your details. I mean, should matey boy's car be consumed in flames under suspicious circumstances, then you'll be first in line to be hauled in for questioning.
Unfortunately it is almost certain that there were no units to deal. The box is empty, especially with the new BCU mergers the met has implemented.
Because you were no longer at immediate risk the call would have been downgraded instantly. Had you stopped and immediately rang 999 saying "I've just been sprayed with something, the driver shouted 'Acid'" then you'd have got an 'i' graded response. As you've rung up to report what is, in essence, a common assault where the suspect is no longer on scene then diverting a unit away from whatever weary old shit has more risk attached to it is impossible to justify.
It's shit, but it's got nothing to do with your mode of transport and everything to do with the fact that the met is what's known in the trade as 'fucked'.
That doesn't mean the job is written off (although it may as well be, to be fair). TDIU will have recorded it and it'll go into the big pile that response officers now have to manage along with dealing with an increased call volume over a greater geographical area with less officers. If you're lucky it'll go to an officer who's got time to deal. If you're unlucky, it'll go to one who hasn't.
When it inevitably gets screened out, make a complaint. The only way that the SLT will understand that the system isn't working is when complaints start going through the roof.
That really is a pathetic police response.
I'm trying HP, I really am. Do you know what the earnings threshold is for the police to give a shit? I imagine in my corner of north London it is terrifyingly high.
You just need to seize the means of production.
My hero. <3
I hope you're going to make a formal complaint to the police about it. It probably won't change the outcome, but it'll show up in their KPIs.
Alternatively, have you tried being rich? That tends to get the police to respond quickly.
It's got absolutely fuck all to do with one's political compass, Legs. It happened in a constituency where David Lammy won the seat with over 80% of the vote at the last election.
The state of the police, however - now that can be entirely blamed on the politicians. They no longer even pretend to be a force, but they're not a service either. They are a giant pension scheme with a political correction surveillance squad attached to it.
Well, that's great. Because a Blairite MP really is the left-wing solution we've all been craving.
Brilliant. Fabulous. You should be Politics Editor on the BBC.
Have faith comrade - the mighty Corbyn will deliver us from the evil Tory Brexit.
...wait a minute - he's working with them now? And he wants Brexit?
Yeah, because he sees the EU as some 'neoliberal construct', FFS.
I'm thinking his time is up and Tom Watson should lead us forward to a Marxist utopia.
At least he supports the 2nd referendum.
Now that I've shoe-horned that into the discussion, I'll include a link to the clearest analysis of why the referendum was flawed: https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/politics/take-it-from-the-swiss-the-brexit-referendum-wasnt-legitimate
This is part and parcel of the cultural war on cycling which is being perpetrated in this country. I know that it's an unpopular tactic on road.cc to link this to politics, but Brexit is not the only symptom of a massive swing to the right of almost an entire country, which has happened since the mid-seventies.
Compare Britain to Umberto Eco's 'Fourteen Points' and it is clear that the UK is a fascist country.
From your point of view, you're fucked because if anything now happens to that vehicle, they'll have its VRM and will be round your door like a shot.
Ah, well. This afternoon, I shall be on a plane to Copenhagen and my first interview is tomorrow at 9 AM their time. I hope that the fascist, militaristic shithole that is Britain will soon have two fewer people it can shag.
I think we all know that our police now spend more time justifying their inaction.
But speak out against it and you'll get a torrent of they're doing their best with the cuts they've had.
But I don't buy it, Thames Valley Police raised their council tax precept by 13.2% this year but I doubt I'll see more coppers on the street, unless of course I go to a big sporting event or a royal wedding. There's always plenty there.
Lets face it sitting on Facebook/Twitter looking for hate crime is easier/safer than getting out on the street and actually tackling the skallys.