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Cafe stop bike lock suggestions?

Hi All, 

I appreciate I'm asking for the impossible here, but I'm sure many of you have looked for the same thing so I'm interested to see what you found...

I need a small, lightweight but sturdy lock to secure my bike while going for a mid-ride coffee/pee etc. The bike won't be locked up for long so I'm willing to compromise on the security of a D-lock but would like it to stand up to a set of pliers/side cutters/other pocketable tool. I know the right tools will get through any lock but it's the opportunists I'm trying to avoid. 

So what are my requirements? Well, I'd like it to be:

Small and lightweight - I need it to either fit discretely into a jersey pocket/saddle bag or attach unobtrusivley to the bike (I know most locks come with a frame/saddle bracket but I don't want a boat anchor swinging off the frame, or to be mocked by the cycling fashion police...)

Sturdy, as above anything that can resist a pair of pliers/side cutters should do - hopefully nobody is carrying round bolt cutters or an angle grinder...

Coated in plastic or rubber or something so it doesn't damage my frame...

Cheapish - I want to keep my bike safe but anything so small and lightweight is likey to get lost 

Big enough to fit round the average lampost - no point locking the bike if it's not attached to anything!

I know there are several locks out their that seem to fit my criteria - but I don't want to waste my money or risk my bike with something that doesn't work!

I'll also do the usual, keep it in eyesight and next to a nicer bike - shouldn't be too difficult!

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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bobbinogs | 6 years ago

The problem with the Hiplok Z Combos is actually carrying them!  They do not like to be coiled up tight to stick in a pocket and zipping them about the seatpost, etc., just leaves a long bit sticking out which gets in the way.  I do like them and use one...but it is only just long enough for basic use. 

I'm still looking for the ideal solution which would be light, cheap, easy to transport and effective (probably a bit like asking for the moon on a stick though).

Simon E | 6 years ago

Having looked repeatedly at various options the one that strikes me as being a good compromise is a lightweight chain combination lock. No key to lose or barrel to jam, too tough for wire snips but still small enough to carry in a pocket or bag. They're often less than a fiver or so on fleabay, here's one for £2.25 or an Abus for £8 with 4mm links and a resettable code.

I have a retractable wire lock I bought for the kids' scooter at primary school. The wire is very thin and the lock looks flimsy, as if it would break if someone just yanked the bike hard enough.

nniff | 6 years ago

I use one of these: - it's just a zip tie with a steel core

It's not substantial, but it's just supposed to make my bike more difficult to steal than the one next to it.  If the one next to it is a friend's, we tend to nose to tail the bikes and zip tie the two inside pedals together, which makes it awkward to cut the tie and awkard to pick both bikes up and impossible to wheel them both away.

Hirsute | 6 years ago

Not sure if the cable is thick enough for you but otherwise seems ok


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